Sunday, July 06, 2008

An evil ploy from corporate

Ever wonder why the weekends seems to go by so quickly? Or holidays seem to end almost as soon as it started, no matter how long it is?

I suspect, its an evil ploy from corporate. Many moons ago, when humans started working for money, bosses come together and had this dialogue;
'How can we maximise the working time of your employees while giving them the illusion that they will be given time off?' - Boss A
'We must give them at least 20% our of their total working time in a week as time off to allow for recuperation.' - Boss B with the kinder heart
'20% is approximately 1plus days...Alright, we provide the illusion that we are generous. 2 days of time off! But we will make time go faster, but how? - Boss C
'HaHaHa! I am the only time-telling-device-maker in this world. Its in my control how!'
- Boss A
'Mwahahaha. Stupid Employees' - Together.
And this is how we feel that our time for weekends always go by so quickly.