Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The year of the Tiger

3rd day of the new year and im sitting at home in my short and tank top, fanning myself because of the intense heat. The weather has been amazingly warm and ultra humid.

Eve of the new year was busy but manageable - hei has just return from his "Cobra Affair" in Pattaya and we slept in a little til 9.30am. Grabbed some lunch, withdrew and changed some money and managed to find a pet shop that was open so that Vicky and Joey wont starve during the holidays. Dinner at the Wees was enjoyable. Thanks dad for the peeled prawns. Followed by a lo hei session at the Tays.

Typical first day of CNY, temple in the morning - said hi to grandma but forgot grandpa. Oops...Chiing and I ran back to the alter and apologise profusely to ah-kong , only to follow the apology with a request to strike lottery....haha. After that, we went down to greet MB.B and ate good mee sua. Drama struck as normal at S.C Ah-ma house and at noon, after 2 phone calls from Jyn, we rushed down to Gremlim's place.

"Write your name on the ang pow" Gremlim kept telling me.

There, Chiing and I watched Hei stone and 2 uncles with a combined age above 100 teasing a less than 1 year old baby to laugh. It was hilarious yet heartwarming to watch.

By 3pm, Hei and I were home, unconscious. Only woke up when Mother Tay called to ask "You guys are not coming right?" Double meaning words, we shot up and move our asses.

The evening was spent in Whampoa - more eating, more fanning from the heat and waiting for Mother Tay to finish playing MJ. At midnight, she walked out and asked us to go home first. Ahhh! We could have left at 1030.

2nd day of CNY - Mackers Big Breakfast Deluxe. YUM. Fed the fishes. Watched TV, watched TV, napped. Went to buy dinner.

Dominoes and Yu Sheng - FUSION.

And as luck would have it, we accidentally threw away out tv remote control. Great.

At 2215, we started a MJ game at Bee's house. It was too late to start and by the time we were done - it was 4am. It was then followed by supper in Geylang.

6am - we slept.

10.45am - I woke. The ironing started.

12 noon - Hei woke.

1pm - Lunch.

2.50pm - I blog this entry.

Soon Ill be going to Lynn's place - more eating, more drinking.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Comedians are the true depressives

Yesterday, something triggered a thought "Should I start to care more and take matters more personally?"

There has been an issue at work, well, as you know, I am a humble non-HP employee working in HP. That means I am a contingent or contract worker. That means I am scum of the earth or as my dear friend Michelle puts it. the corriander leave on a plate of pasta that people convenient puts aside.

Seriously, that has not bothered me much. Who really cares whether you are a contract or a permanent staff. I work everyday just like them, I have deadlines just like them and their job is as unstable as mine.

Ok the issue goes, all contingent works need to leave the company for 100 days before rejoining back. 100 days of unemployment.

Is that bad? DN was bothered by the news and I laughed when the news was broken to me. In my mind, I was thinking "holiday" "break" "relax" but DN was thinking "bills" "unemployment".

Towards the end of the day, I started to question whether was I just masking my anxiety?

Then today came, HairyB came back from Phuket and I called her in the evening to find out what she was up to. iGeek was gonna go over after dinner and HR may too. I had wanted until I heard that HR was going.

"Ill meet you another time. See ya" - I told HairyB. Followed by a text to iGeek telling her that I wasnt going to meet up.

Here's the story with me and HR. We were bestest friends. All 4 of us. Sure, there was a time when we all grew up and made our own friends but we always cared for each other. I was hurt when HB say she loved HairyB the most because they met first. It wasnt because she didnt love me most but because everytime HairyB was not in town. 4 became 2. HB will not call or meet up. Once she said to me that she found it hard to meet because we have all gone on different routes.


But this time was the worse. HB met a little CCB who cheated on her and broke her heart. I was so mad that when they patch back and met me - I told her Little CCB to be careful with HB because I will be mad if it happens again.

HB was mad at me for it. But truth behold, she cheated and broke her heart again.

I didnt do anything because my own heart was broken. For after I told the little CCB, HR avoided me like the plague. When I met them again, she shielded Little CCB like I was a serial killer. And even asked "Is Eck there?" before meeting up.

I dont think I have ever felt so betrayed before.

So months went by and I didnt say anything. HairyB went back to UK and all became normal again. 4 became 2.

HairyB's birthday last year, I decided to tell HR how I felt, hoping to peace things out and its blew up in my face.

We are not even friends now.

So with a heavy heart and a big bowl of pasta. Here is my note to HR.

Dear my friend from the past,

I hope you find happiness - in love, in work, in life. I know you think life hasnt been the fairest to you but choices are made by yourself and you need to make the best out of it. I will always remember our friendship, your mum's noodles and the skinny chicken you drew for me.

With only love.
Eck - you gave me this name.