Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hey Mr Cranky

The terrible the terrible two-week-old! Adam Tay aka Mr Cranky went with Blaecks to Dr Kek for a postpartum review last Friday. As usual, Mount E parking was horrible and we were already running late. So I got down first with Mr Cranky (who was a sleeping angel the entire car ride). As a new parent, I had forgotten the golden rule - NEVER SEPARATE BABY FROM BABY BAG.

Sure enough, ten mins after arriving at the clinic, Mr Cranky decided he was hungry. Everything that was needed, including the trusty dummy was in the baby bag which was in the car and Black was still severely stuck in the wait for a parking lot. The decibel of Mr Cranky's cries were so loud I politely exited from the clinic....kind clinic nurse came to me and offered me a private room to breastfeed.

Geez...I dont do breastfeeding! I express! I so see the benefits of being able to simply shove your boob into your infant's mouth....damnit.

I tried anyway but Mr Cranky was too agitated to feed painlessly....luckily Blacks came shortly after to save the day......relive.

Saturday went by fairly eventless-ly. The Blaecks had lunch with ChiChi, Grandma Lily and Wong Wong. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICHI!

Oh. Its the 4th of November. Happy Wedding Anniversary to Grandpa Elvis and Grandma Lily!