For some reason, I clicked on my blog link on my favourite tab tonight and started reading. My last entry was when Adam turned 2. 2 weeks old. It has been about 3 years since my last entry. Going through about 4 posts, I think my writing was pretty good during those days when I was blogging regularly. These days, I am good at writing only emails. Business emails nonetheless. Where did my love for journaling gone to?
Not to kid myself, I don't think my passion has returned and I may, first, not even finish this entry and second, even if I do, not journal again for another 3 years. But what the hell. Since I am "feeling it" tonight and I am done with my chores, the kids are all asleep. Why not.
Just to fill in the gap as to what has happened in the last 3 years. Adam turned 3 (obviously) and Blaecks added one new member to our family. Austin Tay Jun Zhi. Born 13 February 2015 at Mount Elizabeth Hospital. Weighed 3.19kg at birth. Currently 10 months and 17 days and weighing at approx 10.5kg. He's the reason why I breathe and live. Well, the second reason why I breathe and live.
Adam continues to amaze and make me laugh everyday. Sure, he makes me yell at him, get angry with him and scold him. But like all my previous post, there are good days and there are bad days and I sure have more good than bad.
A sudden thought. In 15 mins time, the Blaecks are celebrating our 9th year wedding anniversary. We did a staycation yesterday at Pan Pacific Hotel yesterday as a mark of celebration but we were both so tired and just happy to not have to wake up in the middle of the night for a feed and not have Adam burst through our bedroom door at 6.45am.
Oh, I should update the blog name. It says Ramblings from the heartlands of Punggol. Technically, thats not so accurate anymore cos I am blogging from the Mountbatten and its more city fringe than heartland. Yes, you guessed it. Another update....Blaecks have sold our loveshack642 at Punggol Drive. On the official papers, 29th December is the handover date. We gave in the keys a week earlier. I hope the new couple (Ronny and wife) and their 2 daughters will continue to create great memories in loveshack642 like the Blaecks did.
Wow. Impressed I have typed so much so far without multitasking.
What else.
Oh, and I have moved companies since the last entry. I would have been Marketing Manager, Asia in 2012 at OpenText Corporation. I am now Head of Marketing, Asia, Middle East and Africa of Check Point Software Technologies. Feel blessed to be in this position even though the organisation is really extremely peculiar. I've left OpenText for a little over a year and while i enjoyed myself there, the singapore office headed by a gentleman (no. scratch that....). headed by an imbecile is a working environment where if you are not sales, you are worse than scum. He doesn't create an environment of mutual respect and displays a leadership of no backbone. i was glad to be rid of him.
so that kinda sums up the last 3 years.
will i blog again? Im not sure but i highly doubt it. but ill certainly be back to read again.