Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hong Kong. Discover it

My sincere apologies for not checking in any sooner. Work has been really overwhelming. But! There is light at the end of the tunnel afterall. After 3 months of planning, I am finally seeing the event come to shape. Currently, in Hong Kong now and my event is truly taking place. The pre-con (pre-conference) is already occuring. Next door to where I am at the moment actually. And by Thursday evening, I am truly done! Yipee!!!!! I can't wait for that to happen. So excited. Yet I will be kinda sad to see the event come to a close. (Confused Child). The adrenaline rush no more.

Now. Hong Kong. I LOVE IT!!! Even though I havent really been around. Just travelling between Hyatt (where Im staying) and Hotel Intercontinental (where my event is). But I really really love what I am seeing. It's exactly what I pictured in my mind from all the movies I have watched. Hope blacks and I can save enough money to come again in December. Winter would be fun cos can parade in all the sweater and can BUY JACKETS!!!! But this city is amazing, just being here I can feel its resilient. Like nothing can ever bring it down. Yet within such a fine city there is so much normalities and complexities. Am I making sense? Dunno....But I love Hong Kong!!!!

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