Friday, May 19, 2006

Almost a quater of my life crisis

Well, I wouldn't really term it as a crisis crisis.
More of a coming to another cross-roads.

I met my best friend of 9 years the other day and was feeling really bumped because I just had a very insulting job offer and didn't think I was going anywhere in life. So wondered where have our 9 years gone to? We have mutual friends who are very successful to me but she told me that it was not me to be like them. To have my life pathed out and structured. Part of me feels that I am more free-spirited too like she said yet I seek some stability in life?

As I sit across her and sit to her consol and advise me, Im hearten that I have people who loves me and such wise friends I have!

Oh well, I suppose all things will come in time and to those who work for them and I intent to work my ass off.

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