Thursday, July 20, 2006

Singapore Idol 2006

I only managed to catch a glimpse of Singapore Idol yesterday. OMG, I don't understand why we still bother to have this contest. We can't sing. Or at least those who tried out cant. Most of the people in the top 12 can't. And even if they can, they don't have a single Idol appeal at all!

This is my run-down on those who I watched yesterday;

a) Joakim
Flat flat flat flat flat flat flat! He sings flat. And his constant 'hopping' gives me a headache watching him. And he calls it dance, and the judges calls it dancing?!! I don'y understand how Dick Lee can say that Joakim only need to lift and finger and girls will scream. Scream at what?!?! I watch him and there is only 1 thing I see, his giant nose. I can't help but think of Shrek when I see it.

b) Paul 2Hill
Lucky he is only 17. The way he keeps flipping his hair forward like that, if he was 27, he will suffer a severe WHIPLASH!! Besides, the whole deal with his hair and his eyeliner was interesting and intriguing for a while, after a while, he just seems like he has only that trick up his sleeve.

c)Jay Lim
Cheena Piang should really stick to singing at 名歌餐厅。 When he sang 'If you're not the one', I actually felt physically nausea.

d) Nurul
Ok vocals. But no idol look.

e) Jonathan
He is actually my favourite of the bunch but a bit tired of listening to him sing rock songs only.

Give up Singapore. Lets focus our talents elsewhere

Monday, July 10, 2006

I just wanna be his wife.

As most people know by now, I have gotten the proposal of a life time. One I couldnt have imagine and one that took my breath away.

Thank you Captain Tay for making it all possible.

What has the whole wedding/proposal changed? It has certainly changed my entire perspective on life. My sisters who know me well, knows that I am one who is not good with emotional chat. I don't say that I will always be there for them because I think they will know it and I don't tell them everything will be ok when they are facing a rut in their lifes because I know I will do all in my power to make things right for them. So no, Im not one who is good with emotional words. Yet, today, I find myself full of emotions. Full of emotionals words which I want to say. Full of emotions that are bursting out of me.

When I was younger, I didn't dream about the grand wedding. I didn't envision myself in the white gown walking down the aisle into the arms of my knight in shining armour. I've always wanted to be identified for my success (in a little way I still do). My vision was to climb the corporate ladder and be identified to be the best in the business. To have that big office with the view. To wear that power suit and have a team of people working under me. To drive that luxury car and dine in fine restaurants. To be RICH & FAMOUS.

But since I met him, my entire life has changed. Xiaohei became my life. I am happy just to be with him. I don't mind if we eat simple food everyday as long as we eat together. We have just spent the most wonderful 4 days in Bangkok and it felt so good to just be in a world where theres just me and him. I can't imagine how much I can love someone but I love him so much. As we were walking along the streets of Bangkok at night, I was not only scared that we might get mugged but I had this deep innate fear that the mugger will kill him and I will lose Xiaohei forever. Just that thought cause a sharp pain through my heart. I now really understand what does it mean by not being able to live without a person. I can't live without him.

I just want to be his wife.