Sunday, November 05, 2006


& SIt has been a long discussed topic on Singaporeans and Sex. How we have one of the lowest sex rate in Singapore, how Singaporeans are uninterested in sex and how sex is only a neccessity because of heir making.

Well, recently, I stumbled across another article of such. A survey was done and findings shown that Singaporean wants more leisure time, more time with family & more money as compared to more sex. The articled featured 2 interviews; one with a celebrity couple who can't live without sex and 1 single (fugly) actress who prefers shopping to sex (which btw, we feels its simply because she is so fugly noone wants to f*** her anyway).

Anyhoo, that article didn't sit well with me. 1 simple reason. How can you compare sex to money?

It's not an even playing field. Honestly, one can live without sex, but one certainly can't live without money. We no longer live in a world where we can exchange a cow for a sack of rice. We can only exchange dollars for that. So money is critical to the pure survival of a human being. Without money, I will not be able to buy that latest fashion trend, I will not be able to purchase the HOPE OF A BETTER SKIN offered by Clarins, I will not be able to attain my A4 size paper that certifies my prescences in UWA, I wouldn't even be able to buy that $2.30 packet of chicken rice to feed my empty stomach. In conclusion, I WILL DIE.

Sure, the lack of sex in my life will cause pent up frustration which will make my shopping trips unenjoyable, it will make me a very grump and unfriendly driver (which I am already anyway), and make me even more fed up when the waiter at swensen's ask if I wanted a banana spilt. But life goes on. I WILL NOT DIE.

So to that reporter of that article. Shame on you. How could you have not realise this?

On this topic of sex. Men have to understand this. 90%+++ of the woman population do not attain orgasm through vaginal penetration. So stop asking how many times we came, because most of the time? None at all. We have been so disllusion by Samantha from Sex and the City who somehows climax everytime a penis entered her vagina. Is that even remotely possible?
And yes, size do matter. Unfortunately for those who have a small penis and try to make up for it by boosting that you are good in bed. Face the truth, how can a 3inch pencil tip accomplish anything? Men. Try to understand that orgasm for women means quite different. I don't think we are looking for the 'out-of-body', 'yes! yes! yes! yes!' experience.

Don't get me wrong, SEX IS PLEASURABLE.

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