Saturday, June 09, 2007

There is a Chinese saying that goes like this; Fang Xid Tu Dao Li Di Cheng Fo. It means actually for an evil / bad person to literally drop his/her evil ways & work towards becoming Buddha "e; good. I dunno why but l've always like this saying. So recently a decision I made gave me a chance to improvise on this old saying. I've been saying "Fang Xia TU Dao Li Di Cheng Lao Po. which actually means that I am ready to drop everything and become his wife. full time. 100%. in AMERICA.

Well, it was a very hard decision I had to make. After all, aside from the romantic aspect of 'eloping'; we need to also be practical right? But in the end, Hei and I are convince that money can be earned again but the experience may never. So we arrived at this decision. Afterall, I'm also looking to take a break from this country. After 3 bosses,1 bitcher than the last. I am tired of dealing with bastards who don't appreciate my hard work & effort.

So ya, Im leaving, together with my Blackman, we are flying 11th July. Singapore-Washington on United Airlines.

I will miss everyone dearly.

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