Thursday, October 09, 2008

While growing up, did you ever wonder what it would be like to own your first home? How it feels like to go through all the interior design and pick your favourite/most affordable?

Housing was an issue I never ever thought of, to be honest. I've always moved from apartment to apartment with everything ready for me. The house was in moved-in condition and all I needed to bring/pack was myself, and my clothes.

So Hei and I are now home-owners. Home-owners - Suddenly, we move into another Target Audience group when watching commercials. Commercials on home insurances, air refresheners, washing detergents, preventing ades mosquito in your house, suddenly becomes relevant to us.

100K down from our CPF in exchange for a new pair of house keys - what are we suppose to feel?

But here is a glimpse of our new house...ignore that last 20 secs or so....

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