Sunday, February 01, 2009

Today is 人日. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyone...

The Blaecks had some guests over yesterday night. Sorta like a house-warming/CNY party for Hei's childhood friends. CR and Shar didn't managed to make it, which was a shame. The entire group hasnt gotten together for a long while.

Nonetheless, thanks for GP & ZY for their pizza and crispy duck. Thanks to Dav, FL & lil Maxy for their sushi and ice-cream and lastly, thanks to ZY2 and GY for their champagne and fish-head curry. With exception to Dav & thanks to everyone that was late! =)

I am sorry though, to little Maxy. Our first Casualty of the House, whose forehead mark can still be seen on my glass door of my study room. You literally bounce off the door while screaming at your father not to play for 5 seconds, you wailed for mummy who gave you the love and comfort you needed. Dont worry, you werent the only one shocked...the room was so quiet for that 5 seconds you could hear a pin drop!

With that I shall knight you. Little Maxy, Iron Head Warrior...

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