Sunday, September 27, 2009

Seriously. First we crown a Ms Singapore World who can't speak English to save her life. Then we find out that she is a fraudster who has 60 impending charges of credit card fruad against her.

But we still glorify her by giving her a 2 FULL PAGE spread in the main paper of Sunday times.

What's up with our newspaper?

Beauty Peagant winner. Fraudster. And now Bi-polar. How much attention are we going to give this woman. I rather the newspaper interview the needy of Singapore. The good deeds of any particular Singapore. Anything but her. Let the news die, take the spotlight away. Can't you see you are just feeding her desires?

Seriously. We need to move on and focus on more significant issues. Otherwise, we will just be like her. BOOMZ.

1 comment:

Lost traveller said...

write to ST again!!
Indeed, she dont deserve the few cents we spend on our sunday times.