Monday, March 21, 2005

Our First

--19 March 2005--

To my dearest black,

Thanks for a lovely first year anniversary celebration. I'm sorry we didn't start the day very well. We were both tired from the long work week and didn't have time to plan anything special for each other. I'm also sorry I expected too much of you. Should have been more understanding towards your time constraints. Nonetheless, we manage to make up in time for dinner and I enjoyed myself thoroughly at Stuart Anderson. Again like you will say, the food ain't great but the company was priceless. We talked and laughed and got ourselves so confused with the menu. Then, although we were stuffed to the brains, we still manage to pick ourselves up and move on to have dessert at BakerzInn. The cake and ice-cream wasn't even sweeter than the time we spent there. Thanks for the lovely smile in the photo above. And I would like to also take some time and thank the nice waitress at BakerzInn for the soda water to wash off the chocolate stain off your shirt. I love the walk we had after the heavy meal. Felt like a tourist, taking so many photos with the Merlion and the Esplande (liew lian). But I'm glad we did that for we haven't taken a lot of pictures together as a couple.

But the night had to end and it ended all too soon. Before we knew it, we have had dinner, dessert, a walk and a bagful of memories. Midnight came and we proceeded home, only to spend more time together, playing CM and lying in bed.

So thank you baby for the past 368days and I cant wait for the next 3680 days to come. You make me fall in love with you everyday.

I love you. Now. Forever.

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