Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tuesday Morning

Just finished 1 soon kueh and now proceeding to down my Milo Kosong and Lo Mai Kai, I sit here at 10.32am in my office wondering what will be happening for the rest of the day. Compared to the amount of work I did that last time, I am so much less busy and so much less things to do. Registration is my may scope of work and for now, my main job is to monitor registration daily and send reports at the end of the day. So for the last 3 days, only 3 people signed up. I spent most of the day preparing to go home....=)

Blacks got home really late last night. I was already in bed when he got in and I really cant remember whether he spoke to me or what I replied. My NON AIR CON room has forced me to sleep as soundly as I can and try my best not to disturb my sleep cos it would be awfully hard to fall back into it. I swear my aircon has a life on its own, always only breakdown when my dad's on holiday. I reckon it is on holiday as well.

I chatted with Dylan from University yesterday. I was shocked when I asked his about his girlfriend and he said his girlfriend is happy and engaged. But the thing is, I wasn't shock that his girlfriend is engaged, I was shock because the way he phrased it made me thought that his girlfriend was engaged to someone else. The after I get it cleared, I was shocked again for they are only 22. Oh god, the only other person I know who got married at 22 is Kim but its because she has been with Meredith since I think 14 and Meredith is 5 years older than her. But my god, Dylan and Miyako is only 22!

This made me think about what I was telling my sis the other day. After watching years of Western TV programmes and stuff, I observed that although Westerners are reputed to be liberal and open and modern but I realise many Westerners marry rather young. And Western woman don't mind playing the supporting role to the working husband and that they enjoy being the loving wife and caring mother. But Asian women who are more known to be conservative and traditional wants the career, the job, are marrying and having children much older.

*Note: In light of the recent cases of the 2 men who got charged over online racist rants (http://www.todayonline.com/articles/72068.asp). I would here just like to clarify that I, Wee E-Ying is not being racist in my remarks. Its just my opinion and observation*

Monday, September 19, 2005

My First Day of Work. AGAIN

I start my first day of work at PICO. Again. Back to the same ol' job of planning the same exhibition/conference but this time in Taipei. How am I feeling? I dunno really. Its my first day and I am already working overtime. But then again, in some ways, a lot of things has been really easy because I feel all mechanisms are in place and all I need to do is the fill in the blanks.

My job scope has significantly reduce (or so I think for now), but so has my money. But as a person that works for passion, I actually dun feel the pinch that much. But I am very comfortable working with the same people again with a nice addition to the team.

Oh yeah, over the weekend, I have decided I am a big misconception. A lot of people think I am the follow but I am not;

1. I am a big big fan of clubbing
2. I smoke and drink a lot
3. I do a lot of sports

Another thing I am unsure whether its a misconception. A lot of people think that I am/want to be a super career woman. Hmmm, I really not sure now. I was just thinking about it yesterday. I think having a career is great. I enjoy working because it gives me something to fulfil my life and I still look forward to working for my dream company in my dream position. BUT! In some ways, I still feel that Black's career takes precedence to mine. And if he has to be posted somewhere and I have to quit my job to go with him, I would also do it in a heartbeat.

When did I start being such a hopeless romantic?

Friday, September 16, 2005

My Firsts

I haven't updated my blog in a long time. But the past month or so has been rather exciting. I had quite a few first in the past month. No, nothing sexual or kinky.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday on 1st September and for the FIRST time, I had 3 cakes! My sweet sweet Blacks threw a last min suprise party for me with Jess and Audrey which was not to be. He ain't that good at lying and I blew his cover. But nonetheless, it was my FIRST suprise party. I had my favourite mango cake and a new phone! W800I!!!!! My FIRST Sony Ericsson phone.
Subsequently, I had a fresh fruits cake from my family and friends. My sister bought me lunch at Kuishin-Bo and very generously invited mum, Mrs Skipp, Aunt Mary, Blacks, Jess and MC. So many people. And at the very same day, my boss bought me a chocolate cake. Thanks everyone!

Jess came back from Scotland. She is gonna pursue her PhD programme soon in Oxford and wanted to take a holiday and do her visa. So good to see her. My bestest best friend. Since when we were 15. 8 years already. Blacks asked me the other day what makes Jess my best friend. I had an immediate answer.
' Jess's my best friend because I know no matter what I can always count on her. Even though we may me miles and miles apart and caught up with our own lives and don't keep in touch as often as we used to, but I know if I ever need help one day or if she ever needs help one day, no matter how busy we are, no matter where we are, we will be there for each other. Be it physically or emotionally'.
Of course, that applies to Audrey and Huiru too. Love ya girls!
Although I made quite a general birthday wish this year. I made a few resolutions for the start of my 23rd birthday.
1. I am sticking to a low carb diet.
2. I am gonna do everything and anything to make my face ok.
3. And most importantly, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and take more risk and have more experience.
My third resolution is my drive for this year. And so far I have done a couple of exciting things. Besides from trying and still trying to be a flight stewardess.....September 3rd, I was number 1821 stepping up on stage, auditioning for a slot to be part of 名星偶像。Although I didn't make it. At least I am proud to say that I have done that, instead of regretting that I didn't even try.
However, I am taking still firmly grounded on reality. I am Blacks is worried that I get caught up with the idealistic world but I just want to declare here and promise that I won't. I know what I should be doing at a certain time. And although the journey hasn't been easy for me, I am gonna try and promise I'll emerge as a stronger person.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

18 Lessons from a Very Successful Leader

Quotations from Gen Colin Powell: A Leadership Primer

Lesson 1: Being reponsible sometimes means ticking people off

Lesson 2: The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership

Lesson 3: Don't be buffaloed by experts and elites. Experts often possess more data than judgement. Elites can become so inbred that they produce hemophiliacs who bleed to death as soon as they nicked by real world.

Lesson 4: Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard.

Lesson 5: Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is dulled or distracted the leader must be doubly vigilant

Lesson 6: You don't know what you can get away with until you try. Less effective middle managers endorse the sentiment," If I hadnt been explicitly told 'yes', I can't do it," whereas the good ones believed "If I hadn't been told 'no', I can'. There's a world of difference between the two points of views.

Lesson 7: Keep looking below the surface appearance. Don't shrink from doing so (just) because you might not like what you find.

Lesson 8: Organization don't really accomplish anything. Plans don't accomplish anything either. Theories of management dont much matter. Endeavors succeed or fail because of the people involved. Only by attracting the best people will you accomplish great deeds.

Lesson 9: Organization charts and fancy titles count next to nothing.

Lesson 10: Never let your ego get close to your position that when your position goes, your ego goes with it.

Lesson 11: Fit no sterotypes. Don't chase the latest management fads. The situation dictates which approach best accomplish the team's mission.

Lesson 12: Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Lesson 13: "Powell's Rules for Picking People" - Look for intelligence and judgement and, most critically, a capacity to anticipate, to see around corners. Also look for loyalty, integrity, a high energy drive, a balanced ego and the drive to get things done.

Lesson 14: Great Leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt, to offer a solution which everybody can understand. (K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple & Stupid)

Lesson 15:
Part I - Use the formula P = 40 ~ 70, in which P stands for the Probability of Success and the numbers indicates the percentage of information acquired.
Part II - Once the information is in the 40 ~ 70 range, go with your gut.

Lesson 16: The commander in the field is always right and the rear echelon is wrong, unless proved otherwise.

Lesson 17: Have fun in your command. Don't always run at breakneck pace. Take leave when you earned it: Spend time with your family. Corollary: Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard.

Lesson 18: Command is lonely.

Leadership is the art of accomplishing
more than the science of management
says is possible

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Chapter 1: The changing world.

September 11th 2001
2 planes, 1 crashed into the World Trade Center and the other, into the Pentagon. Millions watched as the 2 of the tallest building in the world, home to many global organisation and thousands who work there or simply walk pass, went up in flames and come crashing down, turning into ashes like there never was. 2752 people lost there lifes. Thousands more injured and psychologically tramautise.

December 26th 2004
The second largest earthquake recorded. Originated from the Indian Ocean, the earthquake wiped out entire cities that are already struggling with calamities of their daily life. Over 200,000 lifes stolen by 30m tall tsunami. Enough said.

August 30th 2005
Category 1 storm hits the world's more powerful nation. Causing a series of chaos and crime. The world's most powerful nation. What happened?

Thats only the tip of the iceberg. What about the war in Iraq? The planes that crashed? The trains that derailed? Africans suffering from poverty, sickness and plain hunger?

It seems like there is nothing much to smile about nowadays. Yet, it seems like there seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Human goodness and kindess have emerged. Firemen and rescue workers who worked day and night searching for survivors in the WTC rubble. The millions of dollars and thousands of volunteers aiding in the recovery for the Asian Tsunami. Aid going into USA evacuating homeless people. Soldiers who continue to fight.

Not trying to sound religious, is the GOD's way of testing humanity?