Blacks got home really late last night. I was already in bed when he got in and I really cant remember whether he spoke to me or what I replied. My NON AIR CON room has forced me to sleep as soundly as I can and try my best not to disturb my sleep cos it would be awfully hard to fall back into it. I swear my aircon has a life on its own, always only breakdown when my dad's on holiday. I reckon it is on holiday as well.
I chatted with Dylan from University yesterday. I was shocked when I asked his about his girlfriend and he said his girlfriend is happy and engaged. But the thing is, I wasn't shock that his girlfriend is engaged, I was shock because the way he phrased it made me thought that his girlfriend was engaged to someone else. The after I get it cleared, I was shocked again for they are only 22. Oh god, the only other person I know who got married at 22 is Kim but its because she has been with Meredith since I think 14 and Meredith is 5 years older than her. But my god, Dylan and Miyako is only 22!
This made me think about what I was telling my sis the other day. After watching years of Western TV programmes and stuff, I observed that although Westerners are reputed to be liberal and open and modern but I realise many Westerners marry rather young. And Western woman don't mind playing the supporting role to the working husband and that they enjoy being the loving wife and caring mother. But Asian women who are more known to be conservative and traditional wants the career, the job, are marrying and having children much older.
*Note: In light of the recent cases of the 2 men who got charged over online racist rants ( I would here just like to clarify that I, Wee E-Ying is not being racist in my remarks. Its just my opinion and observation*