Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Chapter 1: The changing world.

September 11th 2001
2 planes, 1 crashed into the World Trade Center and the other, into the Pentagon. Millions watched as the 2 of the tallest building in the world, home to many global organisation and thousands who work there or simply walk pass, went up in flames and come crashing down, turning into ashes like there never was. 2752 people lost there lifes. Thousands more injured and psychologically tramautise.

December 26th 2004
The second largest earthquake recorded. Originated from the Indian Ocean, the earthquake wiped out entire cities that are already struggling with calamities of their daily life. Over 200,000 lifes stolen by 30m tall tsunami. Enough said.

August 30th 2005
Category 1 storm hits the world's more powerful nation. Causing a series of chaos and crime. The world's most powerful nation. What happened?

Thats only the tip of the iceberg. What about the war in Iraq? The planes that crashed? The trains that derailed? Africans suffering from poverty, sickness and plain hunger?

It seems like there is nothing much to smile about nowadays. Yet, it seems like there seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Human goodness and kindess have emerged. Firemen and rescue workers who worked day and night searching for survivors in the WTC rubble. The millions of dollars and thousands of volunteers aiding in the recovery for the Asian Tsunami. Aid going into USA evacuating homeless people. Soldiers who continue to fight.

Not trying to sound religious, is the GOD's way of testing humanity?

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