Monday, April 16, 2007

I would here like to say a word of thanks to the Tan Family who 'adopted' me and treated me to a hearty dinner. Plus, the fact that they appreciated my 'shamelessness' when I finished up all the food. It was a great fishball vege soup, sesame chicken and sardines with plenty of onions! And the view on the 23rd floor was amazing...of course this was before the HDB Hub was built I was told.

DocT and I then went to take her Honda Diracc for a spin. The car was so cool, it had a touch screen GPS system and everything. The only flaw, which I honestly think its quite stoopid, is that the car needed to come to a complete stop with the handbrake up before you can activate any buttons on the touch screen!!!

Molala met up with me and DocT at Gardens where we spent the rest of the night chatting over a fondue and a sundae.

Off to Changi in a Honda we went
To see some she-im whose d!cks are bent
Some were short and others were tall
All I'm sure has little or no balls
But they were pretty, they were slim
Their names were Janice, Sharon but not Jim
Their waist was small, their boobs were big
And when they walk they jig jig jig
Respect I have for them for their courage
For their bravery to not live in a cage
But to run free and live proud
Kudos to you I say it loud!

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