Sunday, July 29, 2007

I always knew I was not so much a nature person but always thought I would be fine if put in nature. After all, I 'hiked' the HSBC Treetop walk, Blacks and I take walks in Botanical Gardens and East Coast. But this afternoon, I think I have affirmed what I already knew.

We went to a walk at a Wildlife Trail in Quantico (sorry, forgot to bring our camera) and unlike the 'trails' in Singapore, the footpath are not tarred, there are logs blocking the way and leaves from branches actually brushes you by as you walk. It started alright cos I was actually quite excited about it. Its not like you will be able to do this in Singapore and was looking forward to seeing wildlife. But, as we proceeded, I was gittery at every rustle among the leaves and went hysterical when I saw a green colour fly on my arm.

But Im alright. Got out of the wilderness alive and well. Will try hiking again. Hopefully with time, I will get more accustom to nature.

Hopefully the next time, nature has a Victoria Secret store within.

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