I don't care if you guys call me clucky, or say that my biological clock is ticking or even assume that I have developed my maternal instincts. But I fell in love with this documentary here call 'Jon and Kate plus 8'.
This is an amazing family. This couple, Jon and Kate, got married and wanted children. So this first had a pair of identical twins, daughters. 4 years later, they thought they will try again for more children. This time they ended up with sextuplets. 6 BABIES! Every time the documentary intros, they show a shot of Kate's belly when she was pregnant with the 6 kids and no matter how many times I have watched the show, I am still awed by the size of her belly! I mean it was HUGE! HUGE!!!!
Anyway, its a great documentary. Its so funny how each kid has his/her own personality and its so distinct. And even though they all share Mummy's tummy for 9 months, they all don't necessarily get along.
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