Sunday, March 15, 2009

Recently met up with molala and debster at hougang mall for dinner, dessert and mackers.

to debs: its all about the journey. enjoy the journey!!!

we started chatted about books and those 2 went on to talk about this writer Picololo (paulo colhol) aka paulo callhome....and how his books are about women and self discovery or something liddat.

It made me feel kinda stupid....kinda...a little...actually not really.

But I not into self discovery. I like novels...stories about conspiracy theories, about organised crime (currently reading Godfather)...stories...where I can immerse into the story and visualise like Im watching a movie....

why read something that makes you ponder about yourself so much?

shallow...mebbe thats me.

oh well, shallow i shall be then. hehe....what a crappy blog entry.

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