Saturday, April 18, 2009

I went for a walk/jog earlier.

Woke at 7ish to send Hei to a bbal competition and saw joggers and felt inspired. So after I got home, I changed into my FBT and addidas and took kayano out.

Noted how I put walk before jog? Cos thats mainly what I did. 6km and i think i only managed to jog 2.4 or so.

Im sure even Kayano is disappointed.

As I was walking, I thought about all the excuses that made me not jog....sun was too hot, road was uneven, no other joggers so no role model. But its just me. I should just make my jogging more regular again. 4 months between jogs is not acceptable. Besides as I get older, I have less will power!

I remembered the first time I actually went out for a jog. About 2 years younger and had plently of will power and mental strength to tell myself to keep going.

Times has changed.

Discipline...come bestow yourself upon me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lazy pig.. :)