Monday, August 10, 2009

The DeMercurio Family left last Saturday on the morning flight back to Melbourne.

Although it was not the first time that Lin left Singapore, she cried as she hugged us good bye. Chiing cried, Ah-Ma Wee cried.

But the most heart wrenching moment was for me to see tears rolling down A-Gong Wee's cheeks as well. This is a father who has sent 3 daughters away to study and for the first time, he can't bear to see someone off.

"You make A-Gong so happy" - thats a phrase I hear so often the last 2 weeks.

I was the heartless one. Devoid of all feelings.

I wonder should 1 day I have a child, would A-Gong Wee say the same to my son/daughter?

1 comment:

elin said...

Of course A-Gong Wee would. He'll be your No. 1 nanny. Like lak-chek.