Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blaeck + 1 = Parenthood Day 4

Like all parents say "sleeping babies are like angels, awake babies are like lucifer", Adam is no different. In his 4 day on this planet, he has made up his mind on crying for no rhyme or reason. 1 hour of crying fit this morning sent the Blaecks into total confusion. What is it that you want?!

Then again, what can we complain about? This little man slept soundly from 11.30pm to 4.45am, giving us a good enough rest as well. So I suppose its a thank you?

On the breast front, I made a little progress. Though my boobs are sore and cracked, I expressed A LOT more milk today. Still supplementing with formula and no shame there, I rather be a happy mummy than a stressed out one. But one step forward and two steps back, engorgement has started and though I though I found myself to be so happy being able to lie on my stomach again today, MY BOOBS HURT!!!!

Blacks continue to amaze me with his paternal instincts. He's such a good husband and a awesome awesome dad.

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