Friday, February 11, 2005

Happy Rooster Year!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you, all the way from Amber Road!!!! MY DADDY!!!! More affectionately known as thesedays as POPPY. The oh so beautiful babe besides this hunky dory man is me! Me in my mother's old gown she wore to her wedding about 33 years ago. Its not her wedding gown. But I can't remember whether she told me she wore it to the dinner or you can see...the design is indeed from the 70s....SO ORBIANG!

Happy Lunar New Year to everyone. On this 2nd day on New Year. I wish everyone success in your life. Horse Come Success (Ma Dao Chen Gong). Heart Think Come True (Xin Xiang Shi Chen). Wealth Circle In Jewel (Cai Yuan Jin Bao). And for those senior citizens.....Long Life Hundred Age (Chang Ming Bai Sui). In this year of the rooster, I currently dun have anything to wish for but a job. Something to do. Something for me to earn some money. I am not only broke. I am bored to tears.

I'm not sure whether it is a bad omen or what. Blackie and I had our first very ultra serious fight yesterday and the whole night we hardly spoke to one another. He said something at the fit of anger that hurt me a lot. I know yesterday night he was feeling very remorseful and simply spent the whole night by my side. I wanted so much to tell him that everything is ok and I am not sad but my tears din allow me to. I hardly even looked at him and thought the best thing to do is to close my eyes and sleep. I think he must have spent the night thinking and keeping himself occupied for he did not sleep til about 4am. Well, I master up enough courage to let him know why I couldn't stop crying yesterday. We talked and we made up. Things are back to normal now. The good thing that come out from this is that we have grown and mature together. Learn more about each other.

Well. I hope the year of the Rooster is a good one for all.

PS: One good sign of a better year?? My ang pow collection increase. Mainly $10 this year....economy is picking up!!!

Happy Rooster Year to all

Hope the year will be a ball

Married, attached, stay happy

Single people get lucky!

Working people earn more more

Study people grades will sore!

So for all I wish tonight

May your future be so bright!

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