Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Sonic the Hedge-Head!

Guess who is that?? From the 'fantastic model-like' figure, and the professional stance, of course its me lah! Finish yet again 1 more show, Communicasia 2005. Made some new accquintances, strengthed some friendships and most of all, had plenty of fun while doing all that! Plus, I found the phone for me but Im sure its gonna cost a nuclear bomb. I know the term is 'cost a bomb' but with all the bombings and sucide bombers nowadays, it seems pretty cheap to make a bomb. Now its the nuclears that are expensive.

Here, then would like to say a big thank you to Debbie and Shireen for the opportunity. And Mr Ahmed for making me days at Communic all the more interesting. BETRAYAL! DIVORCE.

Haha personal joke.

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