Monday, September 19, 2005

My First Day of Work. AGAIN

I start my first day of work at PICO. Again. Back to the same ol' job of planning the same exhibition/conference but this time in Taipei. How am I feeling? I dunno really. Its my first day and I am already working overtime. But then again, in some ways, a lot of things has been really easy because I feel all mechanisms are in place and all I need to do is the fill in the blanks.

My job scope has significantly reduce (or so I think for now), but so has my money. But as a person that works for passion, I actually dun feel the pinch that much. But I am very comfortable working with the same people again with a nice addition to the team.

Oh yeah, over the weekend, I have decided I am a big misconception. A lot of people think I am the follow but I am not;

1. I am a big big fan of clubbing
2. I smoke and drink a lot
3. I do a lot of sports

Another thing I am unsure whether its a misconception. A lot of people think that I am/want to be a super career woman. Hmmm, I really not sure now. I was just thinking about it yesterday. I think having a career is great. I enjoy working because it gives me something to fulfil my life and I still look forward to working for my dream company in my dream position. BUT! In some ways, I still feel that Black's career takes precedence to mine. And if he has to be posted somewhere and I have to quit my job to go with him, I would also do it in a heartbeat.

When did I start being such a hopeless romantic?


elin said...

since you hopelessly fell in lurve :)

Blaeck said...

Eeewwww....that's so goose-bump-ish.