Well, granted not all the members were there but it was good enough.
Much of the evening was spent screaming 'TEN!' at the top of my voice because thats the strategy of YD when it comes to playing five-ten. I reckon she thinks that if she keeps shouting 'TEN!', I would eventually get confused enough to err. Well, Im not sure if the strategy worked cos she and I down many Power-Upped Vodka Redbull (thanks to nette).
Part of the evening was also spent slouching with debby at our quiet corner and judging/criticising/admiring people's dress sense. That gave me some time to recuperrate from YD's attacks.
As the alcohol seeps into the blood stream, our inhibitations came down. Butts were shaking, hips were gyerating, and hands flew all over the place as we danced to the remixed tunes of Shakira, Rihanna, Britney and others.
But before long, I felt a hand pulled me out of the club and to another we go. With only 10 mins to closing, we walked into the packed dancefloor and immediately had a jug of Vokda Cranberry handed to us. Compliments from the DJ.
Coolios. After 4 jugs of Power-Upped Vodka Redbull, thats just wat I need. A mellow Vodka Cranberry.
Another 20 mins went pass and we were forced out of the joint. With the intention to end the night off with a round of Mahjong at Nette's place. Wendy, Debby and I shared a cab while YD and Nette took another. But 3 mins into the journey to Lor Ah Soo, a phone call came, re-routing us to good ol' Zouk.
It was already 3.30am and my feet were killing me. Damn my boots!
Unfortunately, Zouk don't feel the same anymore. Not sure if its is because 70% of the crowd was in their late teens to early 20s. I distinctively heard 2 guys boosting how they are 21 and are checking out clubs. Or it was the fact that Zouk changed but remained the same. The crowd sure has changed, but the music seemed like it came from a CD entitled 'Compliation for Saturday - Zouk'. Ah, but it could be because the whole night we were dancing, this overweight young man tried to inch himself closer and closer to me. Thanks YD for shielding and pulling me away in time.
The night/dawn finally came to a stop at 4.30am. Nette and I dragged our worn out bodies into the cab with a tired Debby.
And I came home to find my mum awake! Her day has just started while mine is winding down. As I crawled into my room, I saw my mum displaying her pugillistic talent for my dogs to see.
But before long, I felt a hand pulled me out of the club and to another we go. With only 10 mins to closing, we walked into the packed dancefloor and immediately had a jug of Vokda Cranberry handed to us. Compliments from the DJ.
Coolios. After 4 jugs of Power-Upped Vodka Redbull, thats just wat I need. A mellow Vodka Cranberry.
Another 20 mins went pass and we were forced out of the joint. With the intention to end the night off with a round of Mahjong at Nette's place. Wendy, Debby and I shared a cab while YD and Nette took another. But 3 mins into the journey to Lor Ah Soo, a phone call came, re-routing us to good ol' Zouk.
It was already 3.30am and my feet were killing me. Damn my boots!
Unfortunately, Zouk don't feel the same anymore. Not sure if its is because 70% of the crowd was in their late teens to early 20s. I distinctively heard 2 guys boosting how they are 21 and are checking out clubs. Or it was the fact that Zouk changed but remained the same. The crowd sure has changed, but the music seemed like it came from a CD entitled 'Compliation for Saturday - Zouk'. Ah, but it could be because the whole night we were dancing, this overweight young man tried to inch himself closer and closer to me. Thanks YD for shielding and pulling me away in time.
The night/dawn finally came to a stop at 4.30am. Nette and I dragged our worn out bodies into the cab with a tired Debby.
And I came home to find my mum awake! Her day has just started while mine is winding down. As I crawled into my room, I saw my mum displaying her pugillistic talent for my dogs to see.
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