Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hei and I went to watch "Taken" on Saturday. Good morning, realistic background, a little unbelievable lead but overall, disturbing. Its a great movie I, as a woman, rather not watch.

"Taken" is about a 17 year old girl who decides to spend the summer with her friend in Paris. At the airport, they met "Peter" who is actually part of a syndicate out to kidnap female tourists, forces drugs into their system (making them addicts) and then pimps them as prostitutes. "Pure bloods" or virgins are then auction off to the highest bidder in a high society auction, paying up to $250k. Liam Neeson, the father, went to Paris to hunt down this syndicate and find his daughter.

I am sure this is real. In America, Ive watch several news / documentary on missing women in Europe and South America. The families have never received a ranson note nor any traces of them going missing. Its almost as if these women just disappeared from the face of this world.

This is a scary world we live in. Sometimes, its almost cannibalistic.

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