Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My resume photo

So how do you like it? This is my photo that I sent for job application. I know I should get a professional shot but I took this due to time constraint. With the help of photographer Captain Tay, this is wat we produce. I think its ok lah. And with aid of some cosmetics....Viola! Flawless complexion. After I took this shot, I told blackie there is something wrong with it but I cant pin point. After thinking a bit, i realise its because I have never seen myself with flawless complexion and it looks weird seeing me this way. Well, its not a bad thing and I am not complaining. Flawless complexion is a great thing....hahaha thats why i am splurging on SKII!!!

1 comment:

elin said...

Wah i think its a VERY NICE photo leh!