Wednesday, December 21, 2005

End of the Year Poem

2005 was really swell
I tried a lot and it all went well
I made new friends who's really cool
I wore a dress that made men drool
Hong Kong, Taipei, been there done that
Blackie's lap is where I've sat
Hong Kong's fun and I love so much
It's so unique there's only one of such
Taipei's great, the food was better
The men, the food, I prefer the latter
To Al, a man, to whom Im so grateful
With him, I never need to ever be bashful
Thanks to him, I went travelling this year
His voice I miss and always long to hear.
The year was fun, guess what I did
Auditions I went and tried to bid
For a spot in show biz, but I didn't make it
Well, at least I tried and love it to bits!
2 army functions I attended with Blacks
So proud of him but something lacks
A smile on his face for he looks so cool
A 'sua-ku' woman beside him's a fool
Blacks and I are still going strong
I know he loves me in a thong
New friends I met and old friendships rekindle
I dined at Jack's Place in the light of a candle
2005 was a great for me from toe to head
I look forward to the 06 ahead!!!

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