Year 2005 has certainly been one hell'va journey for me. No. I don't mean it in a bad way. In fact, I think 2005 has treated me fairly, actually, it has treated me DAMN F**KING WELL.
Thanks to Guan-Yin-Ma for giving me the strength to step out of my comfort zone and the courage to TRY.
Thanks to my family who has been nothing but supportive towards my choices and been there for me during my down times.
Thanks to my friends who has kept me entertained this year. Thanks to the rainbow/carebear club for initiating my into it. Thanks you to my 3 best friends for the 8 years of solid friendship.
I specially want to thank 2 people here for putting their faith in me this year;

Al: Thanks for showing my the ropes. You can be considered my FIRST boss, and even though we had our 'wanting to kill each other' times, you set such a high standard for a Boss that I will find it hard to 'replace' you. Thanks so much for bringing my to Hong Kong and Taipei. I still don't believe you actually believe in me enough to bring me. Well, at least thats what I want to believe.
Love you. Muacks!!!!! Kekeke
Let's tell you what my activities are this year.

Mar :: I wish I have photos to show, but my PC crashed and wipe everything out. Blacks and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary on the 19th March 2005. As we had dinner, I glazed into the eyes of the man sitting before me and a sense of warmth rushed over me. I am so happy that I found the one. Muacks Babe!
I also got my first full time job, although it was a contract job only. I felt so much ownership to the project, I lived it, I breathed it, I even dreamt about it.

Apr:: Blacks decided to be sweet, picked me up from work on 19th and we re-celebrated our 1st year anniversary because the crashing of my PC wipe all my photos away. Although it was a short night and we din take half as many photos as we did, we had a fantastic dinner date.
April was also a damn busy period for me at work. I hit a rut this month too.....

May also marked the end of my first full time job, when the tear down began on Hong Kong MAS, part of my heart tore too.
June: Out of a job again, but enjoyed the break from the hectic working schedule from MAS Hong Kong. I helped out at CommunicAsia for the Panasonic booth.
July:: Love was in the air was Mark proposed to E-lin. Although it was not like the movies, but its not about the romance. Its's about the love. It's about the committment. Congrats!!

Aug:: 'We are Singapore, we are Singapore. We will stand united hear the lion roar.' As we celebrated Singapore's birthday, we had our very first National Day Party. Barbeque and a whole load good company. I also had a surprise call from a guy who ask me back for MAS TAIPEI!!!!

Sep:: I TURN 23!!!!!! 'NUFF SAID.
Oct:: BLACKS TURN 28!!!!!
I attended my first OCS Commissioning Ball and had a blast. Although I didn't eat much, the entertainment was rather lame and didn't talk to anyone else except Blacks, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. And I was so proud sitting next to my man.
Nov:: I started my new job at a marketing communication firm. My first desk bound job. B.O.R.I.N.G
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