Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I was hungry I wanted to eat
I want noodles and didn't want meat
Cup noodles was what I crave
Telling my mum I had to brave
So water was boiled and poured over the mee
Wanted to eat my noodles while Bleach i see
But when i lifted my cup noodles lid
Some got stuck and the noodles started to slid
Then tip all over the noodle and the hot water
On the counter the floor and my tigh later
I screamed in pain but first I had to
Clean up the mess I had to do
My tigh didn't hurt until I shower
I almost cried and almost cower
Under the pain when the water hit my tigh
But to act brave I only sigh
So now Im hungry and in pain
I think Clumsy is really my name!

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