Thursday, October 04, 2007

Here's a CSI Story Idea for you

'Hi, I'm here to see Mr Gil Grissom', said the long hair brunette standing nervously at the reception.

The receptionist buzzed for Grissom and ushered to her to the waiting area.

'Do I know you?' Grissom walked into the room without the lady's notice. She had been staring blankly into space. Her fingers dug into her legs as she turned to face her saviour.

'Take me in. I am going to kill my mother', she said as tears welled up her eyes

Grissom brings her into the interrogation room and signalled Capt Brass to come in as well. He was puzzled by the lady's own accusation against herself. Going to kill, means it hasn't happened yet, means no crime has been committed. What is she talking about.

Looking through the 1 way mirror. Grissom relayed to Brass what had happened.

'I am a Crime Scene Investigator, but in this case, there is no Crime Scene for me to Investigate'

WHO ARE YOU...WHO, WHO. WHO, WHO....plays CSI Song

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