Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hey buddy. Is there haze where you are? The air is so polluted here, making it so hard to breathe but it finally rained this morning. It brought a little breeze but its still hot.

Was looking at some of Aless's photos and saw one of him lying on the same pillow as Tiger. I thought of you. I remember once Elin was home and you were sleeping on your pillow. She crawled towards you wanting to disturb your sleep but ended up falling asleep on your pillow!!! The funniest thing was that you woke up, annoyed by her "sharing" your pillow, and walked away. Echiing and I was rolling in laughter, looking at Elin sleep on your pillow. Its not exactly the cleanest eh?

Joe, its been almost a week since you left. But I still see you every night when I close my eyes. I still think about you and our time together.

Do you think of me?

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