Monday, March 15, 2010

Hey buddy. I feel like you now. Its 11.10pm and I am hungry.

How issit where you are? I still see your picture on my computer wallpaper everyday and my heart no longer ache as much but I still miss you. Sometimes I wonder if I had brought you over to live with me if it would be better. Wondering if you would have lived longer.

But I guess its too late to think about it now.

Remember how I changed your diet to a vegetarian diet? I would cook a meal worth 3 days for you and Vicky. Smash potatoes, mince meat pie, fried rice....Ill never have the chance to cook for you every again. Maybe in our next life time together? Im so glad you were never picky with food and even though we complain how a big glutton you are, im sure we all wish you are still around to pick off the floor.

I miss you buddy. One day, we shall dine together once more.

Love you.

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