Sunday morning at Loveshack is usually a quiet time to myself. Hei goes out for half a day playing ball, its his "me" time and I just sit at my breakfast bar, on the computer, sometimes eating cereal or reading Saturday's newspaper. It not like the other days when I work from home because Sunday morning is when I dont think about work at all. I dont think about anything much except living for the moment.
Though I must admit, there are days where I get a bit frustrated with Sunday morning. Times when I think that I do nothing but wait for my husband. On weekdays, I wait for him to get off work and come home for a late dinner. Then wait for him to go to bed. And on weekend these days, I wait for him to finish study so we can have a quick dinner and him to go back to studying again, then wait for him to go to bed.
Waiting for Hei is something that I have grown very accustomed to. It's something that I sometimes feel very unappreciated for, but nonetheless, very used to.
Sometimes, I feel that he don't see me. Not like he used to.
After a romantic Christmas holiday in Europe, this couple has now more love in the inventory. 2011 will be one filled with love, hugs, kisses and.....
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How destined is your life? Do you believe that life is already written in the stars can nothing you can do to change it?
Take Hei and I for example. In order for us to meet, fall in love and get married, a series of events needed to happen. (At least on my part).
1) Not doing well enough in Poly to qualify for local university
2) Laziness on my part to take SATS = not being able to apply US university
3) Pounds was absolutely too strong for me to apply to a UK university
4) Discussing with Emily on being housemates
5) Ivan doing all the Ju-On voice when we saw other houses
6) Moving to the apartment next to Hei
7) Not looking for love when I met Hei (otherwise, I would probably have tried too hard to impress)
Im not sure if one thing changed would I still have met Hei. If the answer is no, then no matter how many regrets I have in life til now, I wouldn't want anything to change.
Entering into our 8 years of relationship, I still love him as much, if not more, as when we first met.
Take Hei and I for example. In order for us to meet, fall in love and get married, a series of events needed to happen. (At least on my part).
1) Not doing well enough in Poly to qualify for local university
2) Laziness on my part to take SATS = not being able to apply US university
3) Pounds was absolutely too strong for me to apply to a UK university
4) Discussing with Emily on being housemates
5) Ivan doing all the Ju-On voice when we saw other houses
6) Moving to the apartment next to Hei
7) Not looking for love when I met Hei (otherwise, I would probably have tried too hard to impress)
Im not sure if one thing changed would I still have met Hei. If the answer is no, then no matter how many regrets I have in life til now, I wouldn't want anything to change.
Entering into our 8 years of relationship, I still love him as much, if not more, as when we first met.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Trophy wife met up with Happy-In-Love Molala and 193-Potential iGeek on Thursday for dinner. Molala is really in love and the entire aura shows and as the saying goes, 三话不离本行, she's 三话不离 Zully. And its heartening to dishing relationship advise to iGeek.
We feel iGeek may have a potential in hand, she maybe just haven't realise it yet. 加油!
Oh, before I forget, we didn't make it for $5 dinner again. This is something three of us started. Once in a while, we go for really cheap dinner, no more than $5 each. Although I must admit, we probably have only succeeded once. I remember once we debated on whether to include drinks in the $5, then decided that drinks should be excluded (because iGeek and I wanted a beer) and another we debated whether "side dishes" should be included and decided to make an "exception" that day because we were at 85 and there's no way, you dont order sambal stingray. This time, we up the budget to $10 because of inflation and ended up in F.I.S.H...that of course is not $10...
Monday, February 07, 2011
Our CNY Stay-cation
Hei and I did a 4 days 5 nights staycation at Punggol. Thanks Angie for introducing the word to me!
- noun
1. A stay at home vacation
2. When you are in the "don't disturb me" mood and pretend to be overseas
3. A holiday in your own back yard
新年除夕- 3 February
Hei didn't have to work today, so in the afternoon we send the car for polishing and came home to prepare for reunion dinner at Jyn's place. On the menu, BBQ, Steamboat and Zee's Fried Noodles. After sending the car to polish, we came home to wipe the house down, clean the windows and mop the floor. I simply don't understand why the house is still so dusty after my part time help cleaned it on the Friday before.
Anyhoo, we arrived promptly at 6pm at Jyn's place for dinner, only to find out that my father has already started eating. Obviously the concept of reunion dinner is lost on him. With only 2 pineapple tart in my tummy the whole day, I started gorging on the satay and steak that Jyn has grilled too.
Zee's fried noodles was amazing. Chiing and I concluded that the noodles was actually all we needed. I down about 2 bowls of noodles, plus some steamboat stuff and BBQ stuff. I WAS STUFFED!!!!!
We even got to skype with Elin who stayed up to say Hi. Jyn, as usual, try to play it cool. PLEASE LA, WE KNOW YOU LOVE US DEEP DEEP.
Woke at 8.30am to go 拜年 with my Seng Choon Grandma...Mum had to call Chiing to ensure we are "praying" to the right table and reminded us not to forget Ah-Gong who is just beside Ah-Ma. As usual, I didn't know what to say besides from the Happy New I say "Hi. Im here...hope things are great! Happy New Year." Chiing and I then went to 拜年 with Meatball Brother, had the superbly delicious SMALL bowl of mee sua before heading to Seng Choon. Turns out Seng Choon had fewer people then usual this time.
Food was of course, ever present. Jon and I, very smartly, parked ourselves right in front of the food so we dont have to walk up and down.
Hei and I left Seng Choon early to go to his Mom's place. Poor lady has been (and still is) sick so this must not be a fun New Year for her. Then it was off to Lentor Home to see A-Ah-Ma...who saw Xiaohei and clap her hands saying "Good Husband! Good Husband!". For a slightly dementia, ninety years-old old lady, she sure is lucid!
CNY Day 1 shiokness rating -- Once in the year mee-sua....bessst
大年初二 - 4 February
We really didn't do much this day. I woke at around 10 and decided to defrost some meat and fish. Boiled the leftover prawns so that it stays edible longer and watched some TV. Hei woke at around 11, I asked if he wanted lunch....I cooked. We ate. More TV.
In the evening, I cooked again. Trying to be smart, I gave all my dishes to some auspicious new year name...2 fried pomfret (年年有余), Stir fry cai xin with prawn (开心到笑),BKT soup with pork ball (圆圆满满).
After dinner, we decided to check out Uncle Ringo 大世界 at Sengkang. The rides were really vintage, bumper cars and viking and all, but no enough food stalls and actually quite boring. We listened to an Auntie karaoking her life away and sat on 1 ride.
大年初三- 5 February
Another day of staying in. Watched a lot of TV and in the afternoon, decided to take a drive to Hort Park for a walk. Little did we know that the Rainman would follow us there. So we managed to walk the bridge to Telok Blangah Park and did a turn around.
CNY Day 3 shiokness rating - Could be better...
- noun
1. A stay at home vacation
2. When you are in the "don't disturb me" mood and pretend to be overseas
3. A holiday in your own back yard
新年除夕- 3 February
Hei didn't have to work today, so in the afternoon we send the car for polishing and came home to prepare for reunion dinner at Jyn's place. On the menu, BBQ, Steamboat and Zee's Fried Noodles. After sending the car to polish, we came home to wipe the house down, clean the windows and mop the floor. I simply don't understand why the house is still so dusty after my part time help cleaned it on the Friday before.
Anyhoo, we arrived promptly at 6pm at Jyn's place for dinner, only to find out that my father has already started eating. Obviously the concept of reunion dinner is lost on him. With only 2 pineapple tart in my tummy the whole day, I started gorging on the satay and steak that Jyn has grilled too.
Zee's fried noodles was amazing. Chiing and I concluded that the noodles was actually all we needed. I down about 2 bowls of noodles, plus some steamboat stuff and BBQ stuff. I WAS STUFFED!!!!!
We even got to skype with Elin who stayed up to say Hi. Jyn, as usual, try to play it cool. PLEASE LA, WE KNOW YOU LOVE US DEEP DEEP.
Reunion dinner shiokness rating -- Happiness turned Indigestion....
Woke at 8.30am to go 拜年 with my Seng Choon Grandma...Mum had to call Chiing to ensure we are "praying" to the right table and reminded us not to forget Ah-Gong who is just beside Ah-Ma. As usual, I didn't know what to say besides from the Happy New I say "Hi. Im here...hope things are great! Happy New Year." Chiing and I then went to 拜年 with Meatball Brother, had the superbly delicious SMALL bowl of mee sua before heading to Seng Choon. Turns out Seng Choon had fewer people then usual this time.
Food was of course, ever present. Jon and I, very smartly, parked ourselves right in front of the food so we dont have to walk up and down.
Hei and I left Seng Choon early to go to his Mom's place. Poor lady has been (and still is) sick so this must not be a fun New Year for her. Then it was off to Lentor Home to see A-Ah-Ma...who saw Xiaohei and clap her hands saying "Good Husband! Good Husband!". For a slightly dementia, ninety years-old old lady, she sure is lucid!
CNY Day 1 shiokness rating -- Once in the year mee-sua....bessst
We really didn't do much this day. I woke at around 10 and decided to defrost some meat and fish. Boiled the leftover prawns so that it stays edible longer and watched some TV. Hei woke at around 11, I asked if he wanted lunch....I cooked. We ate. More TV.
In the evening, I cooked again. Trying to be smart, I gave all my dishes to some auspicious new year name...2 fried pomfret (年年有余), Stir fry cai xin with prawn (开心到笑),BKT soup with pork ball (圆圆满满).
After dinner, we decided to check out Uncle Ringo 大世界 at Sengkang. The rides were really vintage, bumper cars and viking and all, but no enough food stalls and actually quite boring. We listened to an Auntie karaoking her life away and sat on 1 ride.
CNY Day 2 shiokness rating - HUAT AH!
大年初三- 5 February
Another day of staying in. Watched a lot of TV and in the afternoon, decided to take a drive to Hort Park for a walk. Little did we know that the Rainman would follow us there. So we managed to walk the bridge to Telok Blangah Park and did a turn around.
CNY Day 3 shiokness rating - Could be better...
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Tiger Vs Dog. Tiger Wins
Unfortunately for this Tiger, this Water Dog is simply too cool to let something this small to get to her. She laughed, then phoned her Fire Snake husband whose immediate reaction was "Call New Paper". It was really funny because we had just read about flats in Woodlands that were facing dislodge tiles issues. I was just thinking to myself that "lucky I dont live in Woodlands". Well, I guess its not isolated geographically.
Sorry guys, I guess we are not entertaining guest for the new year.
So, I hope, for my sanity, Mr Rabbit and I can be the bestest of friends.
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