Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday morning at Loveshack is usually a quiet time to myself. Hei goes out for half a day playing ball, its his "me" time and I just sit at my breakfast bar, on the computer, sometimes eating cereal or reading Saturday's newspaper. It not like the other days when I work from home because Sunday morning is when I dont think about work at all. I dont think about anything much except living for the moment.

Though I must admit, there are days where I get a bit frustrated with Sunday morning. Times when I think that I do nothing but wait for my husband. On weekdays, I wait for him to get off work and come home for a late dinner. Then wait for him to go to bed. And on weekend these days, I wait for him to finish study so we can have a quick dinner and him to go back to studying again, then wait for him to go to bed.

Waiting for Hei is something that I have grown very accustomed to. It's something that I sometimes feel very unappreciated for, but nonetheless, very used to.

Sometimes, I feel that he don't see me. Not like he used to. 

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