After a romantic Christmas holiday in Europe, this couple has now more love in the inventory. 2011 will be one filled with love, hugs, kisses and.....
I am in my last week of Uni and would take a min out to pay a tribute to friends in UWA who have touched my life in one way or another.
In alphabetical order;
Aileen: You are my first friend in Uni, my first project mate in MM. Thanks for being so patient with me. I know I can be a handful sometimes. Thanks also for always listening when I need someone to listen and suppering with me (especially Year 1) and I take some blame for your putting on weight. Hehe. Anyway have a good last semester. Study Hard. I'll internet message you from Singapore. Hehehe.
Emily: My favourite housemate. I miss all your tonic soup, your craziness and most of all your company this semester. Our house sooo quiet this semester and I live such an unhealthy lifestyle. No homecook meals and no gym! Thank you for providing me solutions when I run into problem with Xiaohei in the first semester. Muacks! Miss you....hehehehe
Ivan: Yo Bro. You are probably the most "jiang yi qi" male friend. Initially thought you are so helpful because you want to buaya all the women but then realise you are the REAL THING which is quite unreal. Sometimes I wonder why you put up with all the girls because we always suan you. Hehehe. But you are a good hearted decent ah-pek. Enjoy your "conspiracy theories" and your coffee company. I hope you find true happiness.
Kevin: The second half of Navin. Your quick wit never fails to amaze me. Your scarcastic humour towards everyone is subtle yet brutal --> great. Yet, you display a side of tenderness and sweetness towards Nancy that makes me green with envy (especially this semester when XH is in Singapore). Continue to be good to Nancy....or you have plenty of us to deal with....
Kim: My gossip buddy!!!! Hehe I never thought we would be such good friends in such a short span of time but who knows! You are one of the groovist chick who, in a nutshell, COOKS FANTASICALLY! My mahjong, kopi, dinner, clubbing buddy....gonna miss you when I go back. I will go home and brush up my Chinese and Cantonese so you wun be able to laugh at me anymore!!!! Here, I would pay a tribute to Meredith too. Although sometimes I really feel we have a generation gap because you look at us funny when Kim and I laugh at things you totally dun find funny, but you are one funny guy too. But Im admire your intelligence the most. You make me wanna be smart in some way or another.
Nancy: My poly school mate turn UWA friend. This is how small the world is. You are the kind of people I dunno whether to admire or hate. Like dun need to study then always do damn well. Thank god I got a few project do with you...always a good thing. Actually, I wanna say thanks you and Kev (and Im sure I speak for a few people here) for your generosity. You and Kev's big heartedness really touched me and I doubt I'll meet another as generous a couple again. So thanks. Also, just wanna say sometimes I think you sooooooooo swwweeeeettttt it makes my hair stand. Hahahahah.
Parry: Long Live Parry Tan! You are the biggest joker I know man. Always come up with the corniest and funnist jokes like 'where do you find the most corn?'. My word of advice to you is give up the Chinese lah, you speak sound like some ang-moh, you write like primary school. But then again, it makes us laugh so much. Funny is like simply oozing out of your pores. Keeps Yeelee entertain.
Yeelee: The rubbish one that says everyone is so skinny and she is so fat when really she is the stick thin one. I see you as the friend who has a million personality (a good thing. Not the split personality psycho type hor!). There is the studying-yeelee, very no nonsense, 100% focus, study hard and consistent type. The shopaholic yeelee. The caffine free yeelee. The quiet girlfriend of Parry's yeelee. And the most shocking one, the rocker chick kararoke yeelee singing Beyond and Wu Bai. You are really a person to look up to.
I also want to take this opportunity to say thanks to the man who thinks that I am the world's best girlfriend even tho I have been really short with him lately. The man who is so patient with me when I am crabby, makes me laugh when I am upset, lets me cry when I need to let it out and no matter what, continues to hold my hand and continues to love me. Thanks to the guy who fits almost 95% of my prototype. My SAF Captain. My 'Hei-Ren'. My neighbour. My Xiaohei. I know you have been waiting since July 17 for me to finish uni and go home and I finally am. Perth will now forever hold a special place in my heart. But I will truly miss the times we had when we were here. Thanks for being the one who wear his hot short running shorts to seduce me. Thanks for being the one who ask me to accompany him to the computer lab to study. Thanks for coming over to my place and eat my lousy cooking and watch anime with me even though you only did it because you liked me and wanted to spend time with me. Thanks for being the one to make a decent chick outta me. Thanks for being the one. My One. My Only One. *winks*. To make up for all the times we spoke on the phone and I refuse to reciprocrate, I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!!!!.
Last but no least, I want to say thanks to my family who made all this possible. My dad who sponsor. My mother who helped me settle into Perth. My dajie who not only supported me financially at one point, also supported me morally and emotionally and my erjie who constantly talk rubbish with me on the phone. I seriously think our family is dsyfunctional, but normality would have bore me and I wouldnt want any other dsyfunctional family.
I finally am over and done with my first paper of my final semester of my uni life. Although it wasn't a lousy paper, it was 3 hours, 180 mins, 10800seconds of non-stop writing. My right hand is broken. Came back had the most wonderful nap and went to floreat to run some errands and breathe some fresh air. I had soup and bread again for dinner but I bought rockmelon partly because Im PMSing and I am craving for sweet stuff and partly because I miss Xiaohei and he loves rockmelon... =(
Coles Saving $2.48 rockmelon
My right hand is also swollen
Sweet and tangy and juicy
My room is still so very messy
3 more weeks and Ill be home
I hope I never get a gnome.