Sunday, November 21, 2004

In Mel-bong

I hope noone sent out a search party for me as I havent been signing into my blog. Kinda neglected it after my computer has been packed off to Singapore. My last paper on Thursday went ok. It was a little more tricky than I expected but it was a great relieve for everything to be over.

I had the most hilarious time in Utopia on Thursday thanks to Kevin's ultimate selections of songs. I don't think I have ever sang 'cha shao bao', 'ai pia jiak eh eia', 'rasa sayang', 'xiao ren wu de qing chun' and many other funny songs in karaoke in my life. But it was all in good fun and I really enjoyed myself. I really here wanna say a personal and a big big thank you to aileen for being soo thoughtful and buying us the cake. You really din have to do that. Yours is coming soon too! Hang in there.....

Friday we went strawberry picking and it was really fun for the first 5 mins and then the sun got to me and I got really lethargic. Besides from the fact that I was hungry.

Now I am in Melbourne. Time flies, I am already in my second day in Melbourne. I really dont feel like doing anything expect rest and sleep and sleep and rest. Oh did a fantastic thing today, I had almost an entire rockmelon for breakfast. Hahahah amazing feat.

Here, I wanna pay tribute to another amazing singer added to the list. CASEY DONOVAN. 2004 Australian Idol!!!! You rock!!!! Talent is simply oozing out of ur pores.

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