Here is a story. Allow me to set the scene for you. Here's a farmer, who with his lovely wife, has a son and a daughter. They lived happily, contented with what they have. One day, the son discovered that one of their chicken was stolen! He ran to his dad and went,"Dad! Dad! One of our chicken was stolen!"
Dad replied,"Well son, the go find the thief who stole the chicken." and sent the son away. The son thought, well, we actually have a lot more chicken. So, whats ONE chicken to us anyway? With that thought, he decided to bugger all with finding the thief.
The next day, one of their sheep was stolen! as before he told his dad about it, and guess what dad replied? "Son," he said," Go look for the thief who stole the CHICKEN" and sent his son away. The son thought, wait a minute... the sheep was stolen, and dad wants me to find the chicken?? He must be losing it! well, we might have a lot less sheep than chicken, but, bugger, whats a sheep to us anyway. He decided to not do anything about it.
The third day, their daughter was kidnapped!!! The son ran to his father and said,"Dad! Dad, sister was kidnapped!" Do you konw what the father replied? The father said," well son, go find the thief who stole the chicken." This time, the son can take no longer, he retorted,,"DAD!!! ARE U OUTTA YA MIND??? SIS WAS KIDNAPPED!"
Of course the father has his reason. He replied,"If you had found the thief who stole the chicken, the our sheep wouldnt be stolen, and your sister wouldnt have been kidnapped!"
At this juncture, allow me to pose u a question: Where is the mother??? haha, no, seriously, the take away is this. No matter how small or insignificant a wrong doing it, something must be done about it. The remedy action that u adopt, it might be rigtht, it might be wrong. afterall, who are we to judge? BUT if you dont do anything about it, the implications might hit you and it might hit you hard in the future.
Here is another of my principle of life:
Sometimes when one munch on a cookie, one would place a hand under your mouth, hoping to catch the crumps. However, more often than not, u'll find that your hand didnt manage to catch all of it and some of the crumps... well, most of it, were on the floor. Life's a little like this if u ask me. View each single individual crump as a mistake. For every mistake that you observed, every single crump that you caught in your hand, there are countless others that went unnoticed. Therefore, for every mistake, remedy it with your utmost, make sure that it didnt happen again... cos underneath that, there are many more being perpetuated, many more which u cant do a single thing about.
that all folks.
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