Its a known fact. Women love diamonds. Even the most testoterone driven women. Well I am a woman...and I love diamonds. Blacks and I went to see Josephine (His second sister) yesterday at Lee Hwa Parkway where she works and before we know it, I was trying on diamond rings consisting destinee diamonds....
PS: to all my guy friends who are thinking of proposing to your respective significant other...see Josephine Tay at Lee Hwa Jewellery (Parkway). She really knows her stuff.....heheheheheh
for more information visit: www.leehwa.com.sg or www.destinee.be
Apparently, I have weird fingers....normally as I was told ladies left 4th finger is 1 size smaller than the right. Mine is about 2...My left is 13 and my right is 15. All the years of cracking my knuckles and fingers has really ruin everything!!! But the trying on of rocks are sooo fun!!!!!! I got the learn about clarity and cut and caret (more overwhleming then uni). And my necklace for the first time in years got a polish and it is clean and shiny now!!!!
Came home and blacks and I had the most serious of chats. Apparently he was very surprise that I talked about marriage and getting married so candidly with his sister. I din even notice anything. Made me think of a few things and told him some things that has been on my mind for a while. One of the things I thought about was that as much as I am against it, in Singapore it is inevitable not to get married because of a flat. Unless you are either really rich to buy private or have significant spare cash to both rent and save to buy flat when you are ready, it is only economically that 2 people get married partly because of a flat. Hence, I have made up my mind, I just hope if blacks wanna marry me, it wun just because of a flat. He said of course not. I believe him.
Though, the question remains in my head is that, how does one know when they are ready to get married? Although I still strongly feel that marriage is simply a celebration of a union and the government's way to encourage having children so we don't go into too mature a population. But it is still penning your signature, confirming your hopefully lifetime union, announcement of the union and for the ladies, changing your last name. When and how do you know when you are ready? Obviously age no longer mean anything because people marry at all sorts of age these days, from 15 - 50. But how do you know? Especially in this modern world where "til death do us part" doesn't mean a whole lot. Does one simply make a committment without much thought? Or are we all simply conforming to society where couples thrive and singles are often left out?