Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Thank you baby

Just wanna say a big thank you to my baby for taking care of me the past couple of days. It has been tiring for you I'm sure. Thanks for turning up and watch me play ball and gimme foot/calf/thigh/waist/wherever-it-hurts-me massage. Thanks for doing laundry for me and knowing that I am tired, didnt wake me up till she has folded all the clothes, thanks for changing my phone battery for me. Thanks for everything, thanks for being in my life. muacks. Sorry we didnt get to do much this weekend due to the matches. Its hard for me with my dad and all, but you put a smile on my face and made everything easier.... you're simply da best!

quote for the week/month (whichever it applies)
"To love and lost is not to love at all,
to learn and not to apply is not to learn at all
to eat and not shit is to constipate".


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