Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Note: The main star is NOT my sister

Feels like my blog has turn itself into a pet zone so whoever has pets to show off. Just send them to me! This handsome thing is BooBoo's dog call Spot Spot. Note the trend of repeatitive name? Anyway I was being "forced" by my sister to put this picture up. In exchange I can put up the other picture of us wearing the SKII mask which made us look like monster. I am still contemplating whether I want to do that. So anyway this is Spotspot...So cute and cuddly and his fur is so soft unlike my 2 monsters at home. Although the grass is not always greener on the other side. Its definately greener for me when it comes to dogs.

Anyway i am currently suffering from rotator cuff injury. For more information visit:

So my shoulder hurts like hell and I have very limited movement. Is this what it means by aging?!?!?! It sucks!

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