Monday, December 06, 2004

My Aging Process

Thats my mum on my right and her mum my grandma on my left. My predicted path towards aging....Recently people have been saying that I am begining to look like my mum...And I wonder if thats a good thing. I used to be called a direct photocopy of my dad and I get really piss because it meant that I look like a MAN. Now that I am apparently looking like my mum....Hermmmm. And lets hope i never have to live til Im 92 to see whether I will look my grandma. Well I kinda think her hair is quite nice. It turned white almost overnight and it was like a pugilistic master who "lian gong" until his hair turn snowy white.

So this is my aging path for you. You shall just be my judge whether I will age gracefully. =)

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