Tuesday, July 12, 2005

You're no smarter than a kopi kiah*

Last weekend I visted my dad at the nursing home with eck as part of ur weekend "routine". We chatted a bit that day and I can't really remember what the conversation transpired from but it ended with him asking me if I know how to make a cuppa coffee. Naturally I said no (unless its the 3-in-1 kind...). He then replied,"then you are no smarter than a kopi kiah*!"

I thought that was quite a powerful message. Yeah, Ihave a B. Engg degree. So what? I may have found a little success and satisfaction in certain aspects of my life so far. But still, so what?? I do not know EVERYTHING in the world.

Ask! if you do not know. More so for me due to my profession. As a leader in the Army, men and subordinate will look up to us. Leaders, seemingly has all the answers to all of the worlds biggest problems. Leaders of men are always perceived to know EVERYTHING. But do we?? We dont know everything, so please ask. Theres nothing embarassing about saying "I do know". Whats more embarassing is not to make an attempt to find out.

Remember I always end with a quote? well here goes...
"Ask once, you will be the fool once. Ask none, and you will be the fool, always"

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