After a romantic Christmas holiday in Europe, this couple has now more love in the inventory. 2011 will be one filled with love, hugs, kisses and.....
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Nokia Appreciation Dinner and the NEW MAZZY!
It was cold no doubt and with 1 sick and 3 suffering from headache, you would have thought that the night was going to spent simply enjoying a quiet dinner together. But quiet was no to be. Jokes sparks and laughters flews, this 5 ladies talked the night away and before they knew it, it was nearing 11pm. The buffet line had long been closed and their teas were cold, yet nothing would dampen their spirits as they talked about work, relationship, health, clothes and everything under the women's sky.
But all great things must come to an end, as 1 lady departed with her knight in a Black Honda. 4 remaining girls, continued til late. And departed in A BRAND NEW METALLIC GREY MAZDA 3!!!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
25 Days to Christmas
1. Advertising becomes so very white and jolly
2. Beer becomes part of the staple diet
3. Christmas caroles can be heard everywhere in all different version you can imagine
4. Diet is thrown out of the window
5. Electricity bills goes up for your home and the country
6. Fondling with your partner in public increases
7. Getting around especially in town takes double the usual time
8. Hickys can be seen on everyone
9. I love you becomes the most common phrase
10. Jackasses will break up with their girlfriends during this festive period
11.. Kiss. Kisses. Kissing. Kissed!
12. Love is in the air
13. M&Ms will become the most sold chocolates (Look at the decor at Centrepoint!)
14. New Year celebrations will begin prematurely
15. Orgasms will reach an all time high
16. Panick attacks increase as christmas approaches with the rush to buy presents
17. Quantity versus quality pervails. Who cares whether its $1000 Dom Perignon or $13 Champagne Valdivieso Demi Sec
18. Roving eyes everywhere as women get all dressed up
19. Sale Sale Sale Sale!
20. Telecommunications yields more profits and network jams on X'mas Day 2359hrs
21. Unity amongst all ethnicity and gender as everyone holds hands and countsdown to X'mas
22. Vodka is the no.1 selling hard liqour (if it isn't already)
23. White Christmas will be depicted everywhere with the snow and foam machines
24. X-rated home movies is also on the rise with the amount of drunkards.
25. Yodele will be attempted by everyone (particularly me)
26. Zoo starts promotions of a Christmas countdown with the Animals!
With all the A-Z activities, we are all assured of a exciting Christmas at least!!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I wanna get in the action II
V. I ALMOST played ball for Singapore, but I rejected them and joined the Army to defend the Nation. Higher calling...
IV. I don't drink, nor gamble...
III. I am pretty lazy, and I can sleep whole day. yes, whole day.
II. I used to HATE sharing food and drinks... Dont even drink from other people's bottle. Cant accept the idea of passing saliva and germs....Not anymore though... All water bottles look the same in the army, and don't share food = no food.
I. I like to read news paper, but never have the time to sit down and finish it....
(ok, now for the Q&A)
Q: When you look at yourself in the mirror, what is the first thing you look at?
A: My ever growing love handles.... sigh...
Q: How much cash do you have on you today?
A: Well, I HAD quite a bit, before spending it on food and more food... so, now left like only less than 50...
Q: What's a word that rhymes with 'test'?
A: I refuse to answer that. How does answering that makes u know me better?
Q: Favourite plant?
A: None. I dont even like eating veggies.... I eat it only because I need a balanced diet.
Q:Who is the fourth person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
A: 96340073. Dunch know who...
Q: What is the main ringtone on your cell phone?
A: Normal ring ring image to upkeep. And the image is... I AM BORING. haha
Q: What shirt are you wearing?
A: A shirt my sister bought for me from thailand... and I am using it as PJs cos its a little oversized... (yes, its THAT big)
Q: Do you label yourself?
A: xiaohei / blacks
Q: Brand of the shoes you are currently wearing.
A: Do you wear shoes to sleep? I dont.
Q: Bright or dark room?
A: Dark room. so i can sleep. haha.
Q: What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: Midnight... yes you guessed it, sleeping... more like dozed off watching liverpool won against Man City. and Crouch didnt score (so whats new)
Q: Do you ever click on 'Pop Ups' or banners?
A: No...
Q: What's a saying that you say a lot?
A: What you wanna do today ah?
Q: Who told you they love you last?
A: Eck and I returned the gesture
Q: Last furry thing you touched?
A: Vicky...
Q: How many drugs have you done in the past three days?
A: Panadol. Just had em today. splitting headache. And answering these questions aint helping.
Q: How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
A: None.
Q: Favourite age you have been so far?
A: 1. Cant remember much of it. No stress, no worries.
Q: Your worst enemy?
A: myself. I am my worse critic.
Q: What is your current desktop picture?
A: Me and baby at my ex-cadets commissioning parade.
Q: What was the last thing you said to someone?
A: "then put what?"
Q: If you have to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?
A: Million bucks. Who in the right frame of mind would choose the latter?
Q: Do you like someone?
A: Yes.
Q: The last song you listened to?
A: Cant remember, but theres one thats playing in my head now, the one by Delta Goldrem and Bryan Mcfadden.....
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I'm afraid of losing my touch
Today Im sick, I want to puke
I never met a man name Luke
I miss my babe, he's now at work
Bedok camp is where he lurks
My mum is starting a business soon
Im sure she is over the blarrdy moon
My dad that night went gaga
When he realise the price of my new sofa
E-Chiing's Apple crashed yesterday
It can't be fix and its not okay
E-Lin is coming home next week
I hope for the her the weather's not bleak
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I wanna get in on the action
5. My closest of all closest friends calls me Horny Toad, though I much prefer Horny Dog
4. When watching TV, I really enjoy plucking hair ie, armpits, leg or eyebrows
3. Secretly, I really don't mind being my boyfriends 'xiao nu ren'.
2. I control my eating during the weekdays but weekends I binge, thats why I can never lose weight
1. I have found my One. My True One. My Only One.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what is the first thing you look at?
My eyes, I love them!
How much cash do you have on you today?
About $50 cos I went to withdraw some
What's a word that rhymes with 'test'?
rest, best, lest, inCEST
Favourite plant?
no plant..not a mother nature person
Who is the fourth person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
6278 2513, I dunno who issit
What is the main ringtone on your cell phone?
Tarzan screams
What shirt are you wearing?
nothing...racer back
Do you label yourself?
Like I said earlier, Horny Toad. HT. I'm also know famously as ECK.
Brand of the shoes you are currently wearing.
huh? I'm wearing feet
Bright or dark room? see the curves on my body
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Role Playing. Bondage. name it, we did it
Do you ever click on 'Pop Ups' or banners?
What's a saying that you say a lot?
eeto (when i'm thinking)....Nani (when someone calls my name)
Who told you they love you last?
Blacks and I returned the gesture
Last furry thing you touched?
My smelly dog
How many drugs have you done in the past three days?
1. Trinordiol
How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
huh? Aren't we living in the digital era
Favourite age you have been so far?
currently, 23. this year.
Your worst enemy?
noone lah
What is your current desktop picture?
Me and my baby blacks blacks
What was the last thing you said to someone?
Can you please hold on to your dog? She's going nuts
If you have to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret?
million la...with a million who cares about regret!
Do you like someone?
of course...i not only like...i LLLUUURRRVVVE
The last song you listened to?
Dunno cos the interference on the radio was so bad
It's been a while
Blackie has been really busy lately. He just completed some exercise thing which required him to do overnight duties quite a bit so the last 2 weeks we haven't had much time t spend with each other. This current position seem to be very demanding and I think I've seen him happier when he was at OCS. Although at OCS he's also constantly busy but he seem more fulfilled with the work and have more job satisfaction. Now, he is constantly apologising to me for not being able to spend enough time with me and telling me that his current work is very crucial and he really needs to focus.
Just to make a public reassurance,
Baby, I understand. Don't have to apologise for working late and stuff. I understand, or at least I try very hard. Whatever it is, I'm supporting you all the way and will be your listening ear even though I don't understand ok? Anyway, you work hard now and I'll get my Vera Wang wedding gown right? Hiak Hiak. Nonetheless, I love you. MUACKS!
I just started a new job. Actually this is my 3rd week already. Its a far cry from what I was doing at PICO with reference to the working hours (almost strictly 9-6), scope of work (*yawn*) and working procedures (better SOPs). I'm not sure whether I like to or I am suited for the job yet. Will keep you updated.
It's been a while
Blackie has been really busy lately. He just completed some exercise thing which required him to do overnight duties quite a bit so the last 2 weeks we haven't had much time t spend with each other. This current position seem to be very demanding and I think I've seen him happier when he was at OCS. Although at OCS he's also constantly busy but he seem more fulfilled with the work and have more job satisfaction. Now, he is constantly apologising to me for not being able to spend enough time with me and telling me that his current work is very crucial and he really needs to focus.
Just to make a public reassurance,
Baby, I understand. Don't have to apologise for working late and stuff. I understand, or at least I try very hard. Whatever it is, I'm supporting you all the way and will be your listening ear even though I don't understand ok? Anyway, you work hard now and I'll get my Vera Wang wedding gown right? Hiak Hiak. Nonetheless, I love you. MUACKS!
I just started a new job. Actually this is my 3rd week already. Its a far cry from what I was doing at PICO with reference to the working hours (almost strictly 9-6), scope of work (*yawn*) and working procedures (better SOPs). I'm not sure whether I like to or I am suited for the job yet. Will keep you updated.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Chapter 4
Viggo is also beginning to be more and more attracted to her and her to him. He no longer sleeps on the couch alone, but beside her in the bed, putting his arms around her everytime she has a nightmare. Julia can't help it but feel a sense of physical attraction to Viggo.
'Good night. I'm going off to bed. Don't sleep too late too yeah?' Julia said as she made her way upstairs.
As she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt Viggo's body lying down to rest as well, turning his body the way. Julia turned around and in the spur of the moment, she wrapped her arms over his body and whispered 'Thank you.'
Viggo turned, surveying Julia's face. Her sadden eyes, her lips. He lean forward to kiss her passionately. Taking his chances, he gently stick his tongue and her mouth. She returns the gesture. Viggo takes a deep breath, ran his hand down her back and pulled her to his body. He let out a little moan, feeling her supple breast pressed against his body, she gave a little moan feeling the hardness of his manhood. Removing her clothes, Viggo kissed her neck, her chest, her breast, running his tongue down her body and into the belly button, he continues to kiss her inner tighs, her calves and feet and ending at her most sensitive area. Julia arcs her body and moans in ecstasy. He was sure a gentle lover. Viggo then thrust his erection into her, gently pulling away before thrusting back in. Warm, wet and so tight, Viggo closes his eyes and immerse himself in pleasure. They hardly knew each other, yet their movements are in such compatible rhythmic motions. Viggo thrust harder and faster, his breathing heavier and Julia's moan got louder. He lets out a final groan and hears Julia's cries of pleasure. They reach the destination together.
Julia and Viggo spent the next 3 months in 'marital bliss'. They spent mornings in bed making love, getting up only to have lunch, do some chores and in the evening, they would take long walks into the field and cuddle under the blue sky. Julia oftened wondered why Viggo never went to work but he brushed it off by saying he's a long distance truck drive who can earn a good living everytime he goes on 1 trip. Viggo in turn asked Julia to forget about Vince. Forget about what he had done to her and just live happily with him. Julia never gave a reply.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Chapter 3
Who is this lady? The stranger peered out into the darkness and is puzzled by the whereabouts of Julia. He listened to her terrified murmurs during her restless sleep, he knew something horrible must have happened to her. What could have happened? Who would want to harm someone as beautiful as she is? He ran his eyes down her curvaceous body and he had a pang of anger towards the person who could have cause her so much pain. Viggo couldn't explain how he was feeling except he wanted to take this woman in his arms and shield her from all the vices of the world.
Julia finally woke up, 2 days later, she surveyed the room she was in and wondered where she was and how she got here. The gashes she had on her hands were bandaged up and the tattered clothes she was in replaced by a men's shirt and shorts.
'I'm sorry. I took the liberty of changing you out of those dirty clothes and bandaged your arms. I hate to sleep in dirty clothes, don't you?'
Julias' eye shot up and saw a man standing at the doorway. She scoured to the corner of the bed, fearing she had ran away from 1 trouble into another.
'I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you. I'm Viggo. You collasped on my doorstep 2 days ago...' Viggo said as Julia scrutnised him. He's scruffy with his unshaven beard and longish hair. Yet, he's neat and handsome. Standing at the doorway with sincerity in his eyes, a pair of tight boot cut jeans and a shirt 1 size too small, Viggo as he calls himself, doesn't seem like a bad person. Awaken from her reverie, she notice he was no longer standing at the doorway. Julia crawled out of bed and went out of the room. Smelling the fragrant smells of bacon, sausages and eggs, she realised how hungry she was.
'You must be hungry. Come down, have some eggs and bacon'
Julia chomp down the food without chewing but nearly choked when she saw the news bulletin about the search party calling off the search for her and her 'destitute' husband calling out for her. She also realise Viggo's eyes on her, it looks like he finally realise why he found her so familar.
'Please don't call the police. I'll leave immediately if you are afraid of trouble.' Julia pleaded.
'No. Stay. Please. But....could you tell me what happened?' Viggo probed with caution.
Julia burst out in tears, she has neither the answers or an explanation. She doesn't understand why her husband of 3 years want to kill her for money. Suddenly, she felt body heat. Viggo had rushed over and embraced her. Julia wanted to struggle and break free, yet, it felt so warm. So comforting. So safe.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Chapter 2
Julia began to retreat into the darkness, she knows that the police would soon begin to search the vicinity looking for her. She fled, running as fast as her legs could carry her and began her hiding.
Morning came. The old wooden house was reduce to a heap of ashes. The lives of 3 women gone up in smoke like the rest of the house. The fire brigade left the scene with their work completed. The police left to gather more aid for the search of Julia leaving behind 3 men satisfied that their mission was complete and gone off without a hitch and 1 man angry at the disappearance of his wife but even more bewildered about where she could be.
Fast forward 3 months. After an extensive investigation, the police found no traces of foul play on the death of 3 women from the burning countryside house. The husbands of the 3 women have gotten the money they have claimed from the death of their wives. They have been 'moaning' for the past 3 months and overnight, they are millionaires with a new lady in their arms. Vince still had nothing. Although he pleaded with the police not to stop their search for Julia, the police stopped their search after 1 week. Vince also tried to put in a claim for his wife's insurance but to no avail. A person has to be missing for a period of 7 years before they can be declared legally dead and life insurance can be claimed. Vince was furious. He was losing his job because he is unable to perform. His relationship with the mistress is rocky. Anne is complaining about the lack of money to furnish her lavish lifestyle. The lack of gifts from Vince. Even the sex has lost all its groove.
Backtrack 3 months, Julia was running, dodging all the light she can see and keeping herself very low. Finally, she hid along an embankment of a lake she stumbled across. Shivering. Praying that no one will find her. No one did.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Could this be a Hollywood Blockbuster?
Read and lemme know what you think about it.
A group of friends (all couples) went on a holiday together to the countryside. One day, one of the wives (let's call her Julia) overheard a telephone conversation between her friend's husband and his mistress. Acutally the whole idea of bringing the wives to the countryside was to kill them, make it look like an accident, collect the insurance money and live happily ever after with their mistress! Horrified but confuse, Julia ran back to join her girlfriends who are all having a cup of afternoon tea. Making sure they were alone, Julia broke the news to her girlfriends who all stared at her big-eyed. They all dunno what to think but promised to be guarded and notice any strange behaviour. All except 1 (let's call her Nicole) who refuse to believe her husband is plotting to kill her. She just got married!
So that very night, Nicole was standing by the window, taking in the fresh air that the breeze was carrying in. Her husband (John) grab her from behind by suprise, spin her around and kiss her passionately. His hand ran wildly around her body, exploring every single part of his newly-wedded wife. She moan for more. John picked her up and threw her on the bed. A bit too roughly this time she thought, but she was burning for him to be inside her that she couldn't care. John came to the bed, with his bare hands, ripped the lingerie off her body, exposing her bare naked skin. She has such a perfect porceline doll face. Full supple breast that accentuates her curves. And the most womenly feature of his wife, untouched by no other than him. She is too perfect. A little self conscious by his staring, Nicole gently led his head to her breast, allow a closer look and for him to explore further. John grabbed her body towards him and entered her. He moaned at her warmth, her tightness and her breathing which is now getting heavier and louder. She beg him not to stop. He is on a mission to satisfy his woman and will not stop til he completed it.
Nicole laid in bed. Unable to sleep. Still feeling the throbbing in between herself and her heart still pounding instensly. Suddenly, she thought of what Julia said in the afternoon and gave a chuckle. John questioned her chuckle and she told him, while positioning herself comfortable in his arms. Did he just tense up when I say 'killing the wives'? Did I just hear him lost a breath? Did I just hear an uncomfortable laugh? Was Julia telling the truth? Nicole couldn't believe she was having such questions. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will confront Julia.
But tomorrow never came. News among the men travelled so fast that they came up with a list of activities, keeping the women apart.
The first 'accident' happened. Victoria cut her hand so deeply while cooking that her husband Alec needed to send her to the hospital to get it stitched up. The women didn't hear from Victoria anymore. Only news from the men who say she is fine and well and resting at the hospital. But the women were not convince. Not even Nicole who is begining to notice strange behaviour. The men told the women that they will be playing poker all night but made sure they tucked their wifes in bed.
Julia woke up in a sweat. She dreamt that her husband (Vince) doused her with gasoline and set her on fire. But the fire wasn't a dream. She smell smoke coming from under the door but the door was locked. Trapped. She shouted for help, shouted at the rest of her girlfriends but nothing. She panicked, but knew she need to survive. She leaped out of her 2nd floor window but landed badly. But she picked herself and found a spot to hide. She hid in the darkness all night to see firstly the husband came back, followed by the fire brigade and paramedics who carried 3 body bags out. She tried not to cry, but tears flowed down uncontrolablly. Im sorry. Im so sorry.
---- Chapter 2...another day
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Forum Nokia Mobile Application Summit

The ending of this show brings me some bitter sweet emotions. I'm so happy and grateful to be given the 2nd opportunity to handle this event. Allowing my to strengthen some friendships, accquire new friendship and to network. I learnt an even greater deal this event and having MC on the team, allowed me pace myself better and be more focus on what I am suppose to do. Yet, the ending of this show also meant that its the last time I will be handling this show as I am embarking on a new chapter in my life. I have gotten myself a new job and will be moving on. No more working at 3rd floor PICO building under Mr Alfonsus Koh. Or 发哥 I have begin to start calling him affectionately...hee. No more him calling me 奇怪 'affectionately' too.
Oh well, I think this is about growing up I guess. Moving on and moving forward. Rather than dwelling on sad emotions, lets be positive. At least I have had this opportunity and it gave me sweet fond memories that I can always remember.
So thanks everyone again. I know the journey wasn't easy. But its over and done with now. And I wish all only the finest and positive endevours.