Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Forum Nokia Mobile Application Summit

Ahhh....Another end of an era for me. I just returned from Taipei, finishing my 2nd contract with PICO and ending another Mobile Application Summit for Forum Nokia. Here, I would just like to thank some people;
1. Mong Chee - Thanks for being such an understanding client. Thanks for the JOB!!!!
2. Alf - Thanks Boss for taking care of me and taking a chance on me. AGAIN! You'll always be boss.
3. Desmond - The Brudder with a newly accquired F.U.N.K!
4. Lynette - All the late nights. All the rush. All the shopping companionship!!!!
5. MC - For the laughs and the theories. For the teamwork, we ROCK!

The ending of this show brings me some bitter sweet emotions. I'm so happy and grateful to be given the 2nd opportunity to handle this event. Allowing my to strengthen some friendships, accquire new friendship and to network. I learnt an even greater deal this event and having MC on the team, allowed me pace myself better and be more focus on what I am suppose to do. Yet, the ending of this show also meant that its the last time I will be handling this show as I am embarking on a new chapter in my life. I have gotten myself a new job and will be moving on. No more working at 3rd floor PICO building under Mr Alfonsus Koh. Or 发哥 I have begin to start calling him affectionately...hee. No more him calling me 奇怪 'affectionately' too.

Oh well, I think this is about growing up I guess. Moving on and moving forward. Rather than dwelling on sad emotions, lets be positive. At least I have had this opportunity and it gave me sweet fond memories that I can always remember.

So thanks everyone again. I know the journey wasn't easy. But its over and done with now. And I wish all only the finest and positive endevours.

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