Wednesday, November 23, 2005

It's been a while

I just realise that it's been a while since I blogged anything normal, ie, what I did, my thoughts and stuff. So think I wanna take a break from the STORY and blog about me and capt blacks.

Blackie has been really busy lately. He just completed some exercise thing which required him to do overnight duties quite a bit so the last 2 weeks we haven't had much time t spend with each other. This current position seem to be very demanding and I think I've seen him happier when he was at OCS. Although at OCS he's also constantly busy but he seem more fulfilled with the work and have more job satisfaction. Now, he is constantly apologising to me for not being able to spend enough time with me and telling me that his current work is very crucial and he really needs to focus.

Just to make a public reassurance,
Baby, I understand. Don't have to apologise for working late and stuff. I understand, or at least I try very hard. Whatever it is, I'm supporting you all the way and will be your listening ear even though I don't understand ok? Anyway, you work hard now and I'll get my Vera Wang wedding gown right? Hiak Hiak. Nonetheless, I love you. MUACKS!

I just started a new job. Actually this is my 3rd week already. Its a far cry from what I was doing at PICO with reference to the working hours (almost strictly 9-6), scope of work (*yawn*) and working procedures (better SOPs). I'm not sure whether I like to or I am suited for the job yet. Will keep you updated.

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