As Christmas approaches, I foresee/realise the following things happen;
1. Advertising becomes so very white and jolly
2. Beer becomes part of the staple diet
3. Christmas caroles can be heard everywhere in all different version you can imagine
4. Diet is thrown out of the window
5. Electricity bills goes up for your home and the country
6. Fondling with your partner in public increases
7. Getting around especially in town takes double the usual time
8. Hickys can be seen on everyone
9. I love you becomes the most common phrase
10. Jackasses will break up with their girlfriends during this festive period
11.. Kiss. Kisses. Kissing. Kissed!
12. Love is in the air
13. M&Ms will become the most sold chocolates (Look at the decor at Centrepoint!)
14. New Year celebrations will begin prematurely
15. Orgasms will reach an all time high
16. Panick attacks increase as christmas approaches with the rush to buy presents
17. Quantity versus quality pervails. Who cares whether its $1000 Dom Perignon or $13 Champagne Valdivieso Demi Sec
18. Roving eyes everywhere as women get all dressed up
19. Sale Sale Sale Sale!
20. Telecommunications yields more profits and network jams on X'mas Day 2359hrs
21. Unity amongst all ethnicity and gender as everyone holds hands and countsdown to X'mas
22. Vodka is the no.1 selling hard liqour (if it isn't already)
23. White Christmas will be depicted everywhere with the snow and foam machines
24. X-rated home movies is also on the rise with the amount of drunkards.
25. Yodele will be attempted by everyone (particularly me)
26. Zoo starts promotions of a Christmas countdown with the Animals!
With all the A-Z activities, we are all assured of a exciting Christmas at least!!!!
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