Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Nokia Appreciation Dinner and the NEW MAZZY!

Rain poured down yesterday evening. Heavily. But it didn't bother the 5 good friends who sat at Marriot's Crossroad cafe, having a sumptous buffet dinner which their chair woman very generously paid for. (THANKS!)

It was cold no doubt and with 1 sick and 3 suffering from headache, you would have thought that the night was going to spent simply enjoying a quiet dinner together. But quiet was no to be. Jokes sparks and laughters flews, this 5 ladies talked the night away and before they knew it, it was nearing 11pm. The buffet line had long been closed and their teas were cold, yet nothing would dampen their spirits as they talked about work, relationship, health, clothes and everything under the women's sky.

But all great things must come to an end, as 1 lady departed with her knight in a Black Honda. 4 remaining girls, continued til late. And departed in A BRAND NEW METALLIC GREY MAZDA 3!!!!!

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