It's like a marriage. We have been through good times and bad times. Been happy together, been mad at each other. Quarrelled and made up. We've seen each other's questionable dress sense (jeans baggy enough to hide chickens) and questionable hair style (curly, bedhead, shaven, chinadoll). We assisted each other during our times of intoxication, holding up each other's hair, flushing the toilet when done. We've cooked each other food when one was hungry (indomee after clubbing). And even laughed at each other when we fall down (a certain someone who climbed a wall, landed and then fell).
They are like my life partners, they are my bitches.
Time has drifted us apart somewhat. We each have found our own direction in life, taken different paths and met new people. And regrettably, we don't always make the effort to keep in touch better.
To my wives; thanks for always being there for me. 10 years!!! Its our Diamond Year! You must know that I am always here for you. Anytime. Anyplace.
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